Chapter 6 - Orcs

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Someone gruffly shook me awake.

"Get up, Nymph." Thorin.

"Shut up, Dwarf."

"Don't tell me what to do."

He lifted me by the arm and pulled me to my feet. I sleepily rubbed my eyes as I looked out the window.

"It's hardly even dawn yet!" I yawned.

"We're leaving," he said. "With or without our burglar."

"Did he sign the contract?" I asked as I started gathering a few things together.

"No. He hasn't touched it."

Gandalf walked in.

"Ah. So I see that you're awake," he spoke.

"Bilbo hasn't signed the contract yet?" I asked Gandalf. He shook his head.

"No. But I have faith that he will come back."

The other Dwarves walked into the room we were in.

"You wanna bet on it?" Dori asked.

"Why not?" Gandalf said, sitting down. "I bet that he will sign it and come with us. 15 gold coins."

"Aye. Same goes for me," Balin said.

"And I," Bofur said. "I have faith in the Hobbit."

"Anybody else?" Gandalf asked.

"I wager that he will come back," I said. "I have a good feeling about him."

Thorin let out a sarcastic chuckle. I whipped my head around and glare at him.

"And your wager, Thorin?" I asked.

"I don't make bets."

I rolled my eyes as we finished up our packing. We tidied up the house and left. There were 14 of us, and 16 ponies. Everyone got onto their own pony, so I started climbing onto one that was unoccupied.

"Not that one," Thorin said. "You ride with me."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Why?"

"Because those ponies are all carrying extra weight. They don't need you too."

I rolled my eyes as I hopped onto Thorin's pony.

"Let's move!" he yelled.

The company and all the ponies started forward and formed a line, Gandalf, Thorin and I being in the front.

We pretty much traveled silently, but occasionally, the Dwarves would request a story from Gandalf, so Gandalf would tell one.

In the distance, I heard a voice.

"Wait!" it shouted. I heard footsteps in the grass as the person got closer. "Wait!"

Some of the Dwarves called, "Woah!" stopping their ponies. Bilbo caught up to us and handed the contract to Balin.

"I signed it!" he exclaimed happily.

Balin took the contract and inspected it with a pocket glass. He then smiled at Bilbo.

"Everything appears to be in order," Balin said. "Welcome, Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield."

The Dwarves cheered, but Thorin didn't look too impressed.

"Give him a pony," Thorin ordered.

Oh I get it now, I thought. I'm just too fat to ride a pony with extra weight, is that how it is?

My Heart, My Mountain, My King {Thorin Oakenshield Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now