Chapter 30 - For Better or Worse

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I struggled to swim upwards. My weapons were pulling me further and further under the water, as the several layers of clothes I was wearing certainly didn't help me out. In a desperate act, I unlatched my sheath. I reached up, and felt my necklace still on my chest. I slowly started to float up again. I reached the surface and took a deep breath.

My teeth immediately started to chatter. I could feel the hypothermia already starting to set in; there were chunks of ice in the water.

I looked ahead and saw Smaug heading towards Laketown. A feeling of dread washed over me. What have we done?

"Jaedda!" The voices called. I used what little of the strength I had and turned around. Thorin and a few others were rowing the boat out to me. I was quite a distance off shore, but they approached quickly. I tried my hardest to swim towards them. They eventually reached me.

I was pulled up onto the boat. Warm clothes were thrust upon me. I shivered. My teeth kept on chattering uncontrollably.

"Jaedda..." Thorin whispered. "Are you alright?"

I nodded quickly.

"Did Smaug injure you?"

I shook my head.

"Let's go back," Thorin commanded.

"We're not going to help the Laketown?" Dori asked.


"B-b-but K-Kili and F-F-Fili are down there!" I exclaimed, shivering.

"There is nothing we can do to save them now," Thorin claimed as they started rowing back.

They brought me back into Erebor and to a furnace, where I sat in front of it to warm myself. Bilbo sat next to me.

"What's happening out there?" I asked.

"Nothing's happened yet," he answered. "Smaug has just been circling Laketown for the past few minutes. Taunting them."

"I hope Kili and Fili will be alright," I mumbled. "Thorin is being"

"Cold?" Bilbo asked.

I nodded. "Exactly." I looked around me. "I think it's this place. I think Smaug must've done something to it."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he didn't start acting weird until we felt Smaug wake up."

"That is odd..."

"I don't know!" I exclaimed in defeat. I threw my hands up and starter crying hysterically. Bilbo cradled me.

"Shhh shh..." he comforted. "It will be alright."

"Bilbo," I began. "Did you actually find the Arkenstone."

He stared at me intently and let out a sigh. "I did."

My eyes widened. "Let me see!" I whispered.

He moved his mouth around, making it swirl around his face, something I found he did often. He slowly reached and pulled the Arkenstone out of a pocket inside of his coat.

I stared at it as he held it out. It looked like a smooth crystal with a galaxy trapped inside of it.

"Don't give it to Thorin," I commanded.

"Why not?" Bilbo asked.

"I fear he might abandon us if he has it." I paused. "Abandon me."

"Might I ask," Bilbo began. "What is your current relationship between yourself and Thorin? And don't try to say master and servant, because we all know that's not true."

"The others know, so you might as well know too," I said as I stood up. We started walking outside to meet the rest of the dwarves. "We are partners. Before he went haywire, he was talking about marriage, but I hadn't even considered that option yet!"

"Is that kind of relationship even allowed?" Bilbo asked.

I shrugged. "Thorin is king. He can do what he wants."

"But is that what you want?"

I didn't answer. We reached the mountain cliff where everyone was standing. As soon as we arrived, I saw Smaug blow a spout of fire onto the town. I heard the distance shrieks of men. Children cried, women wailed, dogs barked.

"Poor souls..." Balin whispered.

I looked over my left shoulder to see Thorin, standing away from the rest of the company, his back facing us.

"Thorin," I said softly as I walked over to him. "Are you...feeling alright?"

He nodded. "I am fine. Let us go back into the mountain."

"Look!" Bilbo exclaimed. "It fell, I saw it!"

Thorin and I turned our heads and looked towards the Laketown. The dragon definitely wasn't flying through the air anymore.

"Smaug has been defeated," Balin said. "Soon, word will spread."

"Look," Dwalin said. "The ravens of Erebor are already beginning to return to the mountain!" (I think it's ravens)

We went back inside of Erebor and settled down for sleep. Thorin lead me by the arm to a chamber. We took off our heavy clothing and laid down on the bed together. We faced each other.

"Jaedda..." he whispered. I held my emerald necklace out to him. He took it and examined it, sanity suddenly washing over his crazed eyes. "You still have it?"

I nodded and smiled. He smiled back, and reached up to put it on my neck. His hands lingered around me neck. They suddenly tightened. Not enough so that I couldn't breath, but enough to pin me down.

"Thorin?" I asked shakily.

"Shhh..." he hushed as he slowly advanced onto me.


"Be quiet," he quietly, but sternly commanded. He released his hands, but grabbed my wrists and forced my arms above my head.

"Don't," I said.

He started to kiss my neck. He sucked on it, and I let out a gasp.

"Thorin, stop," I said.

"Let me do this," he said. "I've waited long enough."

"No!" I exclaimed. I pushed him off of me. "I am not your toy!"

"You are my servant," he reminded.

I shook my head and stared at him in disgust. "No, Thorin. I am your partner. Someone you need to respect." Tears filled my eyes. "And I don't want to do something we're going to regret later."

He stood up and started angrily walking out. Through gritted teeth, he spoke one last thing before he closed the door.

"Whatever you say."


Well damn. Didn't see that one coming.

So now we're into the events of the Battle of the Five Armies. There aren't any available transcripts that I know of, so I'm going off of my memory here people. Help me out?

I love you guys! 13k and 5th one down the list!!! Please vote and comment to help me get to the 4th one down!!

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