Chapter 7 - "Lovers" Quarrel

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Later the next day, we ventured on until mid afternoon. We reached an old abandoned farm house that was in ruins. It seemed to have been burned down. It didn't take too long for me to figure out exactly what had happened. Trolls. Disgusting creatures that had a terrible history with me.

Thorin gave Kili and Fili orders to look after the ponies and other Dwarves to start a fire. Gandalf stood next to me as I observed the ruins.

"Oakenshield isn't adjusting to you as well as I had hoped," he whispered. I turned my head to look Gandalf in the eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, it is evident that he cares for you in some manner. I do believe he enjoys being close to you."

I lifted an eyebrow. "What are you talking about? I would think I'm the last person in the world he would want to be close to."

"For one, he requested that you ride with him on the journey than you riding on your own pony," he pointed out.

I rolled my eyes. "That was because I was too big to ride the ponies with the extra weight they were already carrying."

"Do you really think that you are really that much bigger than Master Baggins?" he argued. I thought to myself. No...

"Hmmm," he rumbled, seeing my realization. He looked around. "A farmer and his family used to live here..."

I nodded. "There is still smoke rising from the ashes," I observed. Gandalf lifted his head.

"I think it would be wiser if we moved on," he said, turning to Thorin. Thorin brought his attention to Gandalf and I. "We could make for the Hidden Valley."

Thorin rolled his eyes as he spoke up to the Wizard. "I have told you already," he retorted. "I will not go near that place."

"Why not?!" Gandalf questioned.

"The Elves could help us," I added on. "We could get food, rest, advice."

"I do not need their advice," Thorin said stubbornly.

"We have a map that we cannot read," Gandalf continued. "Lord Elrond could help us."

Thorin furiously whipped towards Gandalf and started babbling on about how the Elves betrayed his father and grandfather by not assisting them in their time of need.

"You are neither of them," Gandalf lectured. "I did not give you that map and key for you to hold on to the past."

Thorin became flustered by this statement. "I did not know that they were yours to keep!"

Gandalf's anger boiled as smoke erupted from his pipe. He angrily started to storm off. I gave Thorin an exasperated look.

"Look at what you've done!" I spat.

"I care not. I do not want help from Elves."

"Everything...alright?" Bilbo asked Gandalf. "Gandalf, where are you going?"

"To seek the company of the only one around here who's got any sense," Gandalf replied.

"Who's that?"

"Myself, Mr. Baggins!" he snapped. "I've had enough of Dwarves for one day."

Thorin rolled his eyes. "Com'mon, Bombur, we're hungry," Thorin said, ordering the Dwarf to make dinner.

"Is he coming back?" I asked Balin. He tilted his head, unsure. I leaned against a tree and put my hand on my forehead. "Great..." I muttered.

"Thorn!" Thorin called. I looked over and squinted, for he was standing in the sunlight.

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