Chapter 12 - Plans Change

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"Get up! Get up!" Thorin shook me awake. I rubbed my eyes and sat up in bed.

"Thorin?" I asked sleepily. "Are there Orcs?"

"What? No."

I suddenly felt stupid, remembering that I was in Rivendell.

"We have to get going before the Elves all wake up."

I suddenly remembered that we had intentions of leaving at dawn, and looked out the window, seeing that the sun was on the rise. I shot out of bed and grabbed my old clothes, rushed to the bathroom and put them on.

When I came out, Thorin was already fully clothed and was putting the Orcrist in his sheath.

"Are you ready?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. I quickly nodded as I put my own sword in my sheath. "Then let's go."

We silently crept out into the hallway. The rest of the company waited by the doors leading outside while Thorin did a head count.

"We're all here," he said. "Let's move."

We started out the doors, down the steps and across the bridge to the peak. We exited Rivendell as I took one last glance at the Hidden Valley.


After days of traveling through the wilderness of Middle-Earth, we had finally made it to the Misty Mountains. It was nighttime, and the rain was falling hard on us. The trail was narrow, and dangerous, with a cliff on one side and a sheer drop on the other. Lightning struck.

"Hold on!" Thorin yelled over the rain.

A rock slipped from underneath Bilbo's feet and he started to fall into the chasm. Dwalin managed to pull him back in time.

"We must find shelter," Thorin said worriedly.

"Watch out!" Dwalin cried.

I looked up, along with the rest of the dwarves to see a massive boulder hurtling through the air. It hit the mountain side above us, causing rocks to fall around us as we pressed ourselves against the mountain.

"This is no thunderstorm," Balin pointed out. "It's a thunder battle! Look!"

A giant reared up from a nearby mountain. It ripped off a massive boulder from the top of the mountain.

"Well bless me, the legends are true!" Bofur exclaimed. "Giants; Stone Giants!"

"Take cover, you'll fall!" Thorin warned.

"What's happening?!" Kili screamed.

Another giant appeared from behind us. It started moving as rocks from the other giant were hitting it. The ground suddenly split apart, and I realized, to my horror, that we were on the knees of the beast.

"Kili! Grab my hand! Kili!" Fili cried. But it was too late. The knees had split apart and the two brothers were separated. I clung onto Thorin. He held me close to his chest.

The giants fought with their fists as we were all flung around. My group managed to jump to a different and more secure spot.

A third stone giant appeared, and it threw a boulder at the head of one of the first two. That one fell over. As my group watched, it appeared to us that the other group of the Company had been smashed to bits. The hurt stone giant lost its footing and fell down the chasm.

"No!" Thorin cried. "No! Kili!"

Our group rushed to the spot where the others appeared to have been crushed, but they were all safe.

"We're alright! We're alive!" Balin claimed.

"Where's Bilbo?" Bofur asked. "Where is our Hobbit?"

"There!" Ori cried.

"Get him!" Dwalin demanded.

Bilbo was hanging on to the edge of the cliff by just his fingertips. Ori dived onto the ground and tried to grave Bilbo's arm, but the hobbit slipped even further. More attempts were tried at retrieving the hobbit, but all failed. Thorin swung down and helped Bilbo up.

But not long after, Thorin lost his grip and began to fall too.

"Thorin!" I cried. I rushed towards the cliff, but one of the dwarves held me back. I struggled to get away, but Dwalin pulled Thorin up. I let out a sigh of relief as I ran to him.

"I thought we'd lost our burglar," Dwalin said solemnly. I looked to Bilbo who was leaning over and catching his breath.

"He's been lost ever since he left home," Thorin insulted. "He should never have come. He has no place amongst us."

A look of hurt grew on Bilbo's face as the dwarves continued on in search of shelter. We eventually came across a damp cave.

"It looks safe enough," Dwalin theorized.

"Search the back. Caves in mountains are seldom unoccupied," Thorin ordered.

Dwalin looked through the cave with his lantern.

"There's nothing here," he said.

Gloin dropped a bundle of wood on the floor and rubbed his hands together.

"Alright! Let's get a fire going!"

"No. No fires. Not in this place," Thorin instructed. "Get some sleep. We start at first light."

"We were to wait in the mountains until Gandalf joined us," Balin reminded him. "That was the plan."

"Plans change," Thorin retorted. "Bofur, take the first watch."

We all settled down in the cold, damp cave. I wish Thorin would've let Gloin light the fire. What was he so worried about anyway?

"Jaedda," Thorin said, his voice startling me. I turned my head towards him, showing him he had my attention. "Sing us a song so we can fall asleep," he requested.

"What?" I asked. "Why?"

He looked at me with scorn. "Because I told you to."

I rolled my eyes. "My throat is raw from all of the shouting earlier on," I excused. "My voice will sound hoarse and scratchy."

"I care not. Sing."

I turned my head away from him.

"Home is behind, the world ahead. And there are many paths to tread. Through shadow, to the edge of night, until the stars are all alight. Mist and shadow, cloud and shade. All shall fade. All shall fade."

The dwarves were tossing and turning before I knew it. Thorin pulled me down next to him.

"I am cold," he said. "Stay close to me."

I silently obeyed, knowing I could not do otherwise. Also because I wasn't entirely opposed to the idea either, and I wasn't sure why. I thought that this was the last person in the world I wanted to be close to. Well, plans change, I suppose.


I woke in the middle of the night. Bofur was speaking to Bilbo. Bofur seemed to be talking him out of doing something, but I couldn't tell, for I was only half awake.

"What's that?" Bofur asked. Bilbo drew his sword, and it was glowing.

Uh oh.

"Wake up!" Thorin yelled. "Wake up!"

Before anyone could react, the floor to the cave collapsed downward. We fell down a chute, slid through a tunnel, and landed in a giant wooden cage.

As we struggled to get up, a horde of goblins attacked us, took away our weapons, and dragged us all off. Thorin and I still clung closely to each other. I looked for Bilbo, but I saw him slip away. Lots of plans were changing. But others were definitely forming. And, maybe not all for the better.

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