Chapter 23 - Surprise Attack

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A/N the picture is of my Thranduil fanfic that's coming soon so be sure to read it!!


Jaedda's POV

"Well done, Master Baggins," Thorin commended.

Bilbo, half drowned, waved his hands in thanks and managed to sputter out the word, "Go."

"Come on, let's go," Thorin said.

We paddled our hands as the river pulled our barrels along. We emerged into sunlight. I saw a waterfall in front of us.

"Hold on!" Thorin warned.

We plunged through the rapids, then floated swiftly down the raging river.

I looked behind me and saw the handsome, blonde Elf, Legolas and the redheaded Elleth from before along with other of their guard, emerge from a gate way and saw us floating away.

"Holo in-annon!" Legolas shouted. (Translation: Close the gate!)

An elf with him blew a horn.

As we rounded a corner, I saw a guard spot built above the river. The heavily armored elves standing guard there, heard the horn and came to attention. One of them pulled a lever, causing a heavy, metal, sluice gate to block the river. We came to a stop at the gate. Thorin gripped the bars.

"No!" he shouted.

The barrels piled into each other. I ran right into Thorin's. He turned to face me.

"Are you alright?"

I nodded. He reached out and held my hand in his.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp thud on my barrel. Gasping, I turned to see what it was. A black arrow. I quickly turned my head back. Thorin's eyes widened.

"Duck!" he shouted. He pushed my head down into the barrel as well as his own as I heard a swift 'woosh' just above my head.

I peeked out over the side as I saw dozens of Orcs swarming over the guard post, killing the Elves. I internally whimpered.

"Don't be afraid," Thorin comforted.

But I was afraid. I was completely vulnerable. We all were. And we had no way of defending ourselves.

Multitudes of Orcs ran in from the bushes. One Orc with blades of metal sticking out all over his body like built in armor was the one giving commands.

"Gorid! Zib! Goridug!" he ordered. (Translation: Slay them all!)

"Kili!" Dwalin shouted.

Dwalin, who had managed to grab a sword from one of the elves or orcs, threw it to Kili, who then fought his way to the top of the stairs. As Kili fought an orc, another one leapt up from behind him, raising its spear to stab him. I threw a short dagger and killed the orc, allowing Kili to fight his own opponent and kill it.

The metal Orc, noticing Kili, pulled his bow and arrows from his back.

As Kili reached for the lever, he fired an arrow, which hit Kili in the calf. Kili stopped short, panting. My eyes widened.

"Kili!" I screamed.

Kili groaned in pain and strained to pull the lever, but fell over onto his back. The Orc strung another arrow. Thorin looked completely shocked.

"Kili!" he shouted as well.

An orc leapt over to kill Kili. I winced and closed my eyes. But an arrow suddenly flew into its head.

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