Chapter 25 - Confession

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We gathered around in Bard's living room by the fire. His smallest daughter, Tilda, passed out clothing to us.

"Thank you, sweetheart," I said. She smiled at me sweetly.

Thorin looked out the window. A look of shock suddenly crossed his face.

"A dwarvish windlance..." he whispered.

Bilbo looked out the window to observe what it was that Thorin had just saw.

"You look like you've seen a ghost," he said.

"He has," Balin said. Everyone turned their attention on him. "The last time he saw such a weapon, a city was on fire. It was the day the dragon came."

He spoke of the dragon attacking Dale and how Lord Girion had shot 2 black arrows at the beast.

"Had the aim of men been true that day, much would've been different," Thorin said.

"You speak as if you were there," Bard remarked.

"All dwarves know the tale," Thorin replied.

"Then you would know that Girion hit the dragon," Bain, Bard's son said excitedly. "He loosened a scale under the left wing. One more shot and he would have killed the beast!"

Dwalin chuckled. "That's a fairy story lad, nothing more."

Bard left the room to go fetch the weapons he had promised us.

"Tomorrow begins the last days of autumn," Thorin said.

"Durin's day falls morn after the next," Balin reminded. "We must reach the mountain before then."

"And if we do not?" I asked. "If we fail to find the hidden door before that time?"

"Then this quest will have been for nothing," Fili doomed us.

Bard returned with weapons and laid them out on the table. He explained what they were. They were made from harpoons or smith hammers. Everyone looked at each other in disgust.

"We paid you for weapons," Gloin complained.

"It's a joke!" Bofur exclaimed.

Bofur threw his weapon back on the table, and the rest of us follow suit.

"You won't find better outside the city armory," Bard informed. "All iron-forged weapons are held there under lock and key."

Thorin and Dwalin looked at each other out of the corners of their eyes, hatching a plan.

"Thorin," Balin said.

Bard looked up at the mention of the name Thorin, as if the name sounded familiar to him. I remembered that we hadn't really introduced ourselves to him.

"Why not take what's been offered and go? I've made do with less; so have you."

I thought back to the using of the oak branch as shield and chuckled to myself.

"I say we leave now."

"You're not going anywhere," Bard stated.

"What did you say!?" Dwalin demanded, enraged.

"There's spies watching this house and probably every dock and wharf in the town. You must wait till nightfall."

Hearing this, the dwarves began to settle down. Bard left the house and we settled on the available furniture that was in there. I noticed Kili touching his wound. I was about to go over to talk to him when someone grabbed my arm.

"Thorin," I said. "What is it?"

"Come with me," he ordered.

I followed him down a stairwell to a private spot in the house.

"What is it?" I repeated.

"Jaedda," he began. "I don't know how to tell you, so I'm just going to come out with it."

"Thorin...what are you talking about...?"

"Jaedda, ever since we met, I've felt a strong desire to be at your side, and I didn't know why. I can't stand the thought of you being hurt, or not near me."

"What are you trying to say?" I asked.

"Jaedda, I think I am in love with you. And I know that you don't return those feelings, but I had to tell somebody. And now I have. Forgive me."

He turned and started walking back up the stairs.

What? I thought. Thorin Oakenshield is in love with me?

"Thorin, wait," I called. He stopped and turned around.


"I know you don't think I return your feelings," I began. "But I don't know either. But that doesn't mean I don't entirely."

He smiled. "You think about it."

I nodded.

"I wouldn't blame you if you didn't, anyway. I wouldn't if I was you."

And with that, he turned a final time and thumped up the stairs.


So ya I finally updated! I reached 10k and 1k+ votes!!! Yippe!!!! U guys rock!!!

Mostly cannon stuff, I apologize. The end of chapter 26 is gonna be a bit intense so prepare yourselves.

Make sure to read my new Thranduil fanfic and my Frodo fanfic!! I have a Legolas one coming soon as well, but I want to finish this one first.

Please vote and comment and stay awesome. Luv u😘

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