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Hey people of Middle Earth! Not a chapter update but I have a problem that I need help with! I mainly type my stories on the wattpad app on my phone. But everytime I've tried to open it today, it crashes before it even gets to the homepage! It worked fine last night. I stopped using it around midnight and closed out of it so that in the morning my notifications would be refreshed, but when I woke up and tried to open it, it wouldnt let me! I saw something about the wattpad website completely crashing last night around 1:00 am pacific time, but then it showed people came back online around 3:00 am ish. Anyway, if you know anything about how to make it stop crashing will you please share it with me? I've completely shut my phone down at least 3 times and nothings working. I'm taking it into the verizon store tomorrow, but in case I dont update, thats why. lol I seriously cried. this is my all time favorite app 

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