Chapter 37 - My Heart My Mountain My King

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We were feasting that night. Somehow, Smaug's body had washed ashore, and although it didn't do much, we burned it and danced happily around it. Bard retrieved the black arrow from where he had shot it, and promised to make a trophy out of it.

Thorin pulled me aside.

"Thorin," I said. "I love you. So, so much."

"Words cannot express how much I love you, my sweet," he said back to me. He kissed my nose.

"What happens now?" I asked.

"That, Jaedda, is up to you."

I looked up into his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"You seemed happy with the life you had before you met me. Adventuring with Gandalf, going on quests and being the fierce warrior that you are."

I thought about my old life with Gandalf. A small part of me still wanted to live that life.

"Being a queen and wearing nice dresses doesn't seem to be something that would suit your fancy," he continued. "I spoke of marriage as if I had already asked you. I'm sure that made you uncomfortable."

I lifted an eyebrow.

"So, give me your final answer." He got down on one knee, and held up my emerald necklace. I touched my neck, realizing that he had removed it. "Will you marry me? And be my queen until the end of our days? Or will you continuing on your adventures for a while longer?"

A tear fell down my cheek. I was genuinely torn. What did I want to do? Was I being selfish if I chose to leave?

"Thorin," I said. "I am 173 years old. Nymphs have the same life span as dwarves, correct?"

He nodded. "I'm 195 years of age."

I let out a sigh. "Good. At least we're close in age, right?"

He nodded.

"Listen. I still want adventure." His gaze dropped. "And I think this adventure will be the best one yet." He looked back up at me. "Of course I will marry you, Thorin Oakenshield!"

I took the necklace out of his hand and kissed him. He twirled me around. The other dwarves had overheard us, and started cheering.

"I have news!" Balin said. "The dwarves from the Blue Mountains are journeying back to Erebor. Thorin and Jaedda have a new kingdom to rule!"

The everyone started cheering this time. Even the men. I walked over to Bilbo.

"You are staying for our wedding, correct?"

" I thought I'd just go back to the shire and read a- OF COURSE I'M STAYING!"

I started laughing. "Good. I wouldn't want to be one bridesmaid short."

He tilted his head. "What are you planning?" he asked in horror.

"Oh, nothing."


"Are you nervous?" Tauriel asked.

I shrugged. "Why should I be nervous? I'm only marrying the king."

She laughed. "And I'm only marrying his nephew."

"I'm so happy we're doing a double wedding," I said to her. "I've grown quite fond of you, Tauriel. You remind me a lot of myself."

"And you remind me of myself," she returned. We smiled at each other as she adjusted my veil. "Are you ready?"

I nodded. "Let's go."

We walked down the isle together. It lead to the throne at the end. There, waiting for us, was Kili, Thorin and Balin. The entire kingdom was watching, including the Elves from Mirkwood and the people of Laketown(who were now the people of Dale.)

Balin gave each of us our vows. "You may now kiss the bride."

Thorin and I shared a true, meaningful kiss. I savored every last moment of it.

"I now pronounce you, Mr. and Mrs. Thorin Oakenshield."

I smiled at the name. Jaedda Oakenshield. I liked the sound of that. I reached up and touched the emerald necklace, resting right on my heart.

The feast was fantastic. I met several new people, and all of Thorin's relatives. And let me tell you, there was a LOT of them.

Gandalf brooded about how he didn't get to give the sermon, but got over it with a few glasses of wine that Thranduil had brought us from Greenwood, as it was now, since the Necromancer had been thrown out of Dol Guldur.

"Jaedda," Bilbo said to me. "Congratulations."

I hugged him. "Thank you, Bilbo."

"It's been such a pleasure knowing you." He had his sword in his sheath. "I named it Sting," he informed me. "Thank you for teaching me how to use it."

I nodded, a tear in my eye. "It is no trouble, my friend."

"I really, must be getting back to the Shire now."

I nodded slowly. "If there is anything that you ever need, you can always reach me. Just send a raven. And I will come."

He nodded. "I will. Thank you."

He walked off with Gandalf back to the Shire as Thorin and I waved him off. Some people headed off to bed, while the younger ones, like Kili and Fili stayed up to party late into the night.

"Jaedda," Thorin said to me. "Come this way."

He led me to the Throne room where the Arkenstone rested in its place above the single throne.

"A new throne will be built for you soon," he said. "But, I'd like you to sit in this one, just to have a taste of what it's like."

I sat down in the Throne. It wasn't as hard as I had expected. I smiled to myself. I was genuinely happy. Nothing could've made me happier in that moment.

Love was in my heart for the first time in years. I now had a place to call home. This was my mountain. And standing beside me was my love. My king.



Its all done!!!! Waaaahhhhh!!!!! I'm so happy and sad at the same time! Thank you all for coming on this journey with me! I'm getting quiet emotional rn😢😢😢😢

PLEEEAAAASSSEEE vote and comment!! You guys are amazing I'm almost in the top three!! I will post a small update when I have the sequel up which probably won't be for a while cuz I got a lot of other fanfics I'm working on😰 please check them out it would mean the world to me. 😘😘

I love you guys so much thank you for reading this I really hope you enjoyed it.

Peace out. ✌️

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