Chapter 28 - Strange Behavior

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We all stood in awe at the entrance into the mountain.

"Erebor..." Thorin whispered.

"Thorin," Balin said with tears in his eyes. Thorin put a hand gingerly on his shoulder and stepped into the mountain.

"I know these walls..." Thorin remarked. "These walls, this stone. You remember it, Balin. Chambers filled with golden light."

"I remember," Balin answered.

The rest of us stepped inside of the mountain. Gloin read aloud some writing on the cave wall juxtaposed to an engraving of a king and a jewel shining out rays of light.

Bilbo and I looked at this engraving earnestly.

"The throne of the king," Balin explained.

"Oh. And what's that above it?" I asked.

"The Arkenstone," Balin answered.

"Arkenstone...and what's that?" Bilbo asked.

"That, Master Baggins, is why you are here," Thorin stated.

Balin and Bilbo started off down the tunnel as Balin explained what to do.

The rest of us emerged out of the tunnel and cheered. Thorin pulled me aside.

"I believe I have waited far too long to do this," he said.

I lifted an eyebrow as he pulled me up and brought my lips to his. Although both of our lips were dry and chap from dehydration and exhaustion, the kiss was blissful, and perfect. I knew that Thorin was the only one I wanted to spend the remainder of my years with right then. I never wanted anything to change.

We slowly pulled away from each other. Unbeknown to us, the rest of the company had seen us, and they started cheering.

Our faces each turned deep red, staining our cheeks and ears.

"What do you want?" Thorin asked.

They all laughed.

"Oh, Thorin," Gloin said. "We knew all along that you fancied the nymph!"

"You did?" Thorin asked. "How could you tell?"

"There were many things," Dwalin replied. "You always kept her close, you were relatively nice to her-compared to how you treat other women-and you're in you're 80's. You know that it's about time that you found love."

"That is true." Thorin turned to me. "Jaedda, I hear that Nymphs and Dwarves have similar life spans. How old are you exactly?"

"I may not look it, but I'm 73."

"Oh good. So we are not too far apart in age."

He turned to the rest of the company.

"Do you bless our affections?" he asked them.

"We do," Balin said. "But I'm not quite sure how the other kingdoms will adapt to this change. But I'm particularly worried about Dain's reaction."

Thorin rolled his eyes. "It's none of Dain's business how I run my kingdom. That includes who exactly it is that I marry."

I turned my head towards him. I hadn't even considered marriage yet! I wasn't sure how well I really knew him. Was I read for such a commitment? But would a marriage bond between a lowly nymph and a dwarf be allowed? Or even possible?

"Well, we support you no matter what!" Ori exclaimed.

"Aye!" The rest of the dwarves cheered.

"We will follow you to the ends of Middle-Earth, Thorin," Gloin said.

"I thank you. All of you. I'm very pleased you're all okay with this."

"We still have Kili and Fili to worry about..." I mumbled.

"They like you," Thorin assured. "They'll be fine with it."

"I hope so," I said as I looked up at the last moon of autumn.

Suddenly, the entire mountain shook. We all gasped and stood up.

"What was that?" I asked.

Balin turned towards me.

"That, my lass, was a dragon."

We all looked around at each other in shock.

"It's awake?" I asked.

"Aye," Thorin said. His demeanor seemed to suddenly changed. His gaze turned cold, and he let go of me.

"Thorin...?" I asked. "Are you alright?"

"I am fine," he snapped. "Don't worry about me."

I gave Balin a look of; What in the Durin? But he just shrugged. What was wrong with Thorin?

I looked into the cave. Thorin jerked me away.

"Quit being a mischievous forest Nymph and sit down," he ordered.

I furrowed my brows at him.

"Thorin..." I began.

"Everybody just sit tight and wait for the burglar to return."

We all reluctantly sat down, exchanging confused glances with each other.

An orange glow came from inside the mountain. My heart started pounding. Smaug was awake. And he was bloodthirsty.

"What about Bilbo?" Ori asked in concern for the hobbit. I turned my head to Thorin and looked at him in anticipation.

"Give him more time."

My heart sunk.

"Trying to do what?" Balin tested. "To be killed?"

"You're afraid," Thorin stated. I knew I was. Of a lot of things right then. The mood suddenly changed and we all fell silent.

Balin paused for a moment, then stepped up to Thorin.

"Yes, I'm afraid," he admitted. "I fear for you. A sickness lies upon that treasure hoard. A sickness that drove your grandfather mad."

"I am not my grandfather," Thorin defended.

"You're not yourself," Balin backfired. "The Thorin I know would not hesitate to go in there-"

"I will not risk this quest for the life of one burglar," Thorin rudely interrupted.

Balin and I looked at Thorin in disgust.

"Bilbo," Balin corrected. "His name is Bilbo."

Thorin looked out into the night.

"Thorin," I said. "What if it were me in there?"

He turned his head sharply. "But it is not."

"You swore to Gandalf that you would protect him. You gave that same oath for me as well. Does Bilbo not matter more than I do?"

"This is his job. He signed the contract. This is why he is here."

"You're putting a three foot Hobbit up against a 300 foot dragon!" I shouted. "Who do you think will be the victor?"

He slowly shook his head in apathy and turned it back towards the moon. Balin began talking to Thorin again, and the other dwarves started talking amongst themselves.

I looked to the entrance again, only to see another flash of orange. I looked up one last time. No one was watching.

Without any further hesitation, I scurried silently into the mountain.

In the distance, I heard Thorin shout my name, so I ran faster.



Just ordered my Arwen dress!!! It's the minty green one she wears at the coronation in ROTK. I'll post pictures on my Instagram if you want to look at them: acee911

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