Chapter 27 - The Desolation of Smaug

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Since Thorin had caught the Laketown's master trying to defile me, he pretty much kept quiet and stayed out of our way for the rest of our stay. He certainly wouldn't want anybody finding out about something so dishonorable, and I'm sure Alfrid was under strict supervision from the incident (he was a huge contributor to the issue, after all).

In the morning, Thorin announced that it was time to leave, and anyone too drunk to hear that was left behind.

I helped Kili up, since he was having great difficulty in doing so.

"Kili..." I whispered. "Your face..."

I reached out to lay a hand on his cheek, but he swatted it away.

"I'm alright," he reassured.

"Kili, you look like a ghost," I said. "You look quite ill."

"Kili," Fili said as he walked over. He slung Kili's arm around his shoulder. "I'll take care of him."

I nodded and walked off, a heavy feeling still in my chest from all the events that have been happening.

"Jaedda," Thorin said. I turned my gaze towards him. "Have you told anyone yet?"

"About us? No. Why?"

"Just inquiring."

"Why...? Would you like me to?"

"Not yet," he replied. "I want to wait until this quest is over. Just, let some steam out first."

"I understand." I looked over to Kili. "Thorin, I fear for Kili."

"How come?" he replied.

"That arrow was likely tipped with poison. He will be choking on it soon."

"He will be alright. However, I will not allow him to go all the way to the mountain."

"What?! But...he'll be crushed!"

"He will slow us down. I will wait to tell him."

I shook my head slowly. "Do as you will."

I walked off towards Bilbo.

"Are you nervous?" I asked him.

"Nah," he replied. "I'm pretty sure I got this burglar thing down."

I chuckled. "You truly are an amazing Hobbit."

"Thank you," he said with a smile.

"Let's move!" Thorin shouted.

We snapped into action and started out towards the docks.

"Where's Bofur?" I asked Thorin.

"If he's not with us, we leave him behind."

I rolled my eyes. He could be so apathetic sometimes.

We climbed onto the boat as the people of Laketown cheered us on. Kili tried climbing on, but Thorin stopped him from doing so. He explained his reasoning and Fili got in a flurry, and chose to leave to.

"I'll stay with the lad," Oin said, and got off the boat as well.

"Great. We're down to 11," I said to Bilbo.

"Better than none," he said optimistically.

I laughed. "Sure."

"Let's go," a Thorin said.

We grabbed some ores and started rowing out of Laketown. There was a band playing, but sounded horribly out of tune from lack of practice.

I looked back to Kili and Fili. I hoped Kili was going to be alright.

We sailed on in silence to Erebor. Finally, we reached the shores. We climbed foothills of the mountain. At one point, Thorin, with a look of recognition of the landscape in his eye, ran atop an embankment looking over a valley.

As the rest of us joined him, Bilbo and I looked to the other end of the valley to see a ruined city.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"It was once the city of Dale. Now it is a ruin," Balin answered in a ghastly voice. "The desolation of Smaug."

A chill ran down my spine. I had heard the tales of the desolation. But the sight of it in the grey morning was much more chilling than I had previously anticipated.

"The sun will soon reach midday," Thorin informed. "Let us find the hidden door before it sets."

Bilbo and Thorin had a wee dispute over waiting for Gandalf or not, but Thorin won, and we continued on.

Where was Gandalf, anyway?

We searched all day long, following the map, trying to find the door.

"Anything?" Thorin called.

"Nothing!" Dwalin replied.

"If the map is true, the hidden door lies directly above us," Thorin said, looking at the map.

Bilbo directed us to a statue that lay above us with a well concealed staircase. Thorin commended Bilbo.

"You have keen eyes, Master Baggins," he said.

We painstakingly made our way up the steep and treacherous steps, and found a little rock wall clearing in the side of the mountain. Thorin ran to the clearing.

"Let all those who doubted us rue this day!" he exclaimed as he held up the key. The rest of us cheered and the greatest, most beautiful smile I had ever seen, was spread neatly across Thorin's face.

I had never seen him smile quite like that. His teeth were sparkling and perfect, odd for a dwarf, I suppose. But then again, he is a king. My king.

"We have our key," Dwalin began. "Which means that somewhere, there must be a keyhole."

The dwarves began searching around the wall as Thorin repeated the prophecy. They kept searching, but there was no luck.

"We're loosing the light," Thorin reminded.

I looked over my shoulder at the setting sun. Thorin did as well.

"Break it down!" he ordered.

The dwarves smashed the walls with their weapons, but to no avail.

"Come on!" Thorin yelled.

"It's no good!" Balin admitted in defeat. "The door's sealed. It cannot be opened by force. Powerful magic upon it."

The dwarves stopped hitting the wall and fell to the ground in defeat and disappointment. The sun slowly disappeared from behind the mountain.

"No!" Thorin cried.

He examined the map again, and read aloud the prophecy again.

"What did we miss?" he asked. "What did we miss, Balin?"

"We've lost the light," Balin said in defeat. "There's no more to be done. We had but one chance."

We bowed our heads in despair and turned to go back down the stairs.

Bilbo tried to protest, but Thorin dropped the key, and followed the rest of us down.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"We go back home," Balin said. "To the Blue Mountains."

"Wait," Thorin said. We stopped and turned around. "It's Bilbo; he's calling us."

We ran back up the stairs and realized what he was calling us about. The last light of Durin's day was the light of the moon!

Thorin retrieved the key an slipped it into the keyhole that the moonbeam shined upon. He pushed on the rock, and the door slid open.


Yay! They made it. But you already knew that.

Good stuff planned for 28! Stay tuned

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