Chapter 31 - Back To Square One

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I woke up the next morning, hardly getting any sleep that night. Something was truly wrong with Thorin. He was acting practically the same way as when I had met him in Bree. Only far worse. I was almost up half the night just worrying about Kili and Fili.

I got up and dressed myself. I walked out into the halls and looked them up and down.

Bilbo suddenly ran up to me, grabbed my hand and led me along the hall.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's Thorin," Bilbo explained.

"What about him?" I grumbled.

He led me to an overlook, where I saw Thorin below, marveling at his gold, and dressed in gold armor and furs.

"That's not normal..." I said. "The Thorin I know would never lust for gold like the way he is now."

"It's because he is not himself."

I looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know yet. But we have to get out of here."

"Is it that serious?"

Bilbo nodded.

"I hear someone coming," he said. We ran to the source of the noise. It was Kili and the others.

We ran up to them.

"No! No you have to leave," Bilbo said.

"But we only just got here," Bofur reminded.

"It's not safe here," I said.

"What do you mean?" Fili asked. "Why isn't it safe?"

"It's Thorin," I explained. "He's not acting like himself."

Something caught Kili's eye, and he started down a staircase.

"Kili!" Bilbo called. "Kili!"

We chased after him down to a landing where we saw Thorin down below observing the gold.

"Gold..." he whispered. "Mountains of gold..."

He slowly looked up to see all of us above, observing him. He faced us.

"Welcome, my sister's sons," He tossed a large ruby up to us. Fili caught it and looked at it. "To Erebor!"

"Thorin..." Kili whispered. "You're right," he said to us. "He is different."

A few minutes later, everyone was awake, and Thorin had us all searching for the Arkenstone.

"Find it!" He demanded.

"Thorin," I said. "We have to talk."

"About what?" he rasped.

"About last night."

"I don't think there is anything to discuss, do you?"

"Thorin, knock it off!" I shouted. "I love you. But you're not being yourself."

He growled and turned. In a huff, I stomped off.

Hours later, Dwalin informed us that he saw the people of Laktown making camp in the ruins of Dale.

"Build a wall!" Thorin commanded.

We got to work immediately, taking broken pieces of stone and brick, and building them to protect Erebor.

"Keep building. This fortress was hard-won," he reminded. "I want it made safe by sun up."

"The people of Laketown have nothing!" Kili exclaimed as he threw down the wheelbarrow he was pushing. "They have lost everything."

Thorin got up on top of all the rocks we had piled up so far. "Nothing?" he repeated. "People who have survived dragon fire should rejoice!" Disgusted looks grew on everyone's faces. "They have much to be grateful for. Keep building!"

I looked to Bilbo.

"It's going to be a very long night."


Srry haven't updated in a few days I just wrote an amazing new song and I was recording it, and I started a new book(surprise surprise) it's a modern rendition of Hades and Persephone called Outlawry. So if you like creepy and rapey kind of stuff, go check it out cuz it's pretty much everything I've ever wanted to write. So ya...

I got my Elf crown in the mail yesterday and it's fxcking beautiful. My dress comes later this week. Yaaaayyy!!!

Thanks for commenting and voting my book is the 4th one down now! Shoutout to incognitodolphin for following my Instagram page thanks a lot girly😘 if you want to follow it, it's acee911

Srry real long A/N but luv u guys❤️

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