Chapter 10 - Rivendell

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"This was your plan all along," Thorin said angrily. "To seek refuge with our enemy."

"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield," Gandalf reassured. "The only ill-will to be found in this valley, is that which you bring yourself."

"You think the Elves will give our quest their blessing?" he asked, almost sarcastically. "They will try to stop us."

"Of course they will," Gandalf responded. "But we have questions that need to be answered."

We walked on and climbed down from the peak that we were on. The company crossed a bridge and entered Rivendell. A few Elves were strolling about. Bilbo and I gazed in awe at the beauty of the place, but the dwarves looked uneasy.

A dark haired Elf walked down a flight of stairs and greeted us.

"Mithrandir," he greeted.

"Ah, Lindir!"

As Lindir and Gandalf greeted each other, the dwarves murmured amongst themselves in distrust.

Lindir said something to Gandalf in Elvish.

"I must speak with Lord Elrond," Gandalf requested.

"My Lord Elrond is not here."

"Not here?" Gandalf asked. "Where is he?"

Suddenly, the same horn from earlier sounded. We turned around to see a group of armed horsemen approaching along the bridge at a rapid rate.

The Dwarves bunched up together in a tight circle with their weapons pointed outward. Thorin put a protective arm around me. The mounted Elves arrived and rode in circles around us. Eventually, they stopped, and one Elf, Elrond, separated himself from the others.

"Gandalf," Elrond greeted. Gandalf bowed. The two exchanged some words in Elvish.

Thorin stepped forward, and Elrond looked upon him with recognition.

"Welcome, Thorin, son of Thrain."

"I do not believe we have met."

"You have your grandfather's bearing. I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain."

"Indeed," Thorin said. "He made no mention of you."

Ignoring his insult, Elrond started speaking in Elvish. The Dwarves didn't understand what he was saying.

"What's he saying?" Gloin growled. "Does he offer us insult?!"

The Dwarves grew bellicose and gripped their weapons uneasily.

"No, Master Gloin," Gandalf spoke exasperatingly. "He's offering you food."

The dwarves quickly discussed this amongst themselves.

"Ah, well," Gloin said. "In that case, lead on."

Elrond smiled kindly and led us up the steps and into his palace. We walked through the halls of his palace until he led us to a section of several rooms.

"You dwarves can stay in these rooms," he said. "As for the girl, she will stay in a different wing."

"No," Thorin objected. "She will stay with me. She is my servant."

"Thorin Oakenshield," Gandalf lectured. "Jaedda hasn't had a single moment to herself upon the embark of this quest. I think she needs some time away from you men."

I looked to Gandalf, then to Thorin.

"She is always trying to shove down my throat how her gender doesn't matter. Then this shouldn't be much of an issue." He turned to me. "Now is it, Jaedda?"

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