Chapter 3 - Fili and Kili

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The next day, I woke up just before dawn, Thorin laying by my side, his back to me. I slipped out of bed and readied myself for the day.

I prepared our weapons by sharpening our swords and tightening the rope of our arrows. I wiped the swords clean with a damp cloth. Thorin woke.

"What are you doing?" he inquired sleepily, yet still majestically. I looked up from my chore.

"I'm patching up our weapons," I responded. "They needed a few repairs."

He got up and walked over to me. "That is men's work," he said.

"It is work, yes," I half agreed. "Work for those with the skills to do it."

He took his sword and examined it. He lifted an eyebrow before shoving it into his sheath. We put on our belts, sheaths and cloaks.

The rain from the night before had cleared up considerably. The sky was cloudless and blue, and a mist hung over the woods.

"Help me get my things ready," he requested. I nodded and helped him pack food, clothes, weapons and bedding.

"Where exactly are we heading first?" I asked.

"The Weather Hills," he replied. "My nephews, Fili and Kili dwell there. They will help gather the rest of the forces. Gandalf will too."

"Gandalf never said anything about that," I pointed out as I loaded our supplies onto the pony.

"He spoke to me in a dream last night," he replied. "He said that he would send a message to the surviving Dwarves of Erebor, and one to the Dwarves of the Iron Hills."

"The Iron Hills is an awfully long distance away," I remarked.

He nodded. "Indeed. But he said a butterfly would come to me and drop their reply to me."

I nodded as well. We mounted onto the pony and took off, going North to the Weather Hills. After half a day of traveling, we finally reached them.

Fili and Kili, two young Dwarves, were living amongst about 50 other Dwarves, men, women and children alike, all gathered in tents and poorly built houses. Out one of the houses, emerged a Dwarf with blonde hair hanging to his shoulders. He looked in our direction, and his face lit up.

"Uncle!" he exclaimed. "Kili! Come quick!"

Another Dwarf emerged from the house, this one looking far different from the previous dwarf, with dark hair and eyes. His attention was drawn to Thorin and I. A cheery smile spread across his face as he and the other bounded towards us. Thorin dismounted and cracked a small side smile. The first genuine smile I had ever seen on his face.

The two came up to Thorin and wrapped their arms around him. He patted their heads. So they were Fili and Kili.

"What are you doing here?" Fili asked.

"You remember Gandalf the Grey, correct?" Thorin asked. The two brothers looked at each other and nodded suspiciously.

"Why?" Kili asked.

"Is he dead?" Fili finished.

I laughed. Thorin smiled and rested an arm on Fili's shoulder.

"No, Fili. He is far from dead, based on what he is intending to do. Which is why I'm here."

Fili and Kili straightened their posture and looked at their uncle expectantly.

"The Wizard came to me last night and spoke of another entrance. Reclaiming Erebor, and slaying a dragon."

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