Chapter 36 - Reunion

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"How do you know that?!" I asked excitedly.

"Because, Jaedda Thorn, I have been around for 2,000 years and happen to know a thing or two about Orcish poison!"

"Can they be saved?" Tauriel asked.

"Let me save them," Gandalf said. He rose up and requested for the bodies to all be brought together.

He started some sort of spell, and requested that we stay out of the way for a while.

I walked with Bilbo and Tauriel to the dining hall where we shared some wine.

"That is one thing that I will miss about Mirkwood," Tauriel commented. "The wine there was stupendous."

Bilbo and I chuckled.

"You know, Bilbo," I said. "You can go home."

He looked up slowly. "I can."

"But, will you?"

He shrugged. "At some point. I've come to love this lifestyle. Makes me wish that I was a dwarf."

Tauriel and I laughed a bit.

"I wonder what's happening in there," I said, referring to Gandalf.

As I said that, Gandalf stepped out of the room, the breath seemed to be taken out of him.

"It is finished," he said. "The poison is extracted."

I ran up, hugged Gandalf, then ran into the room. Thorin was lying on the bed, eyes closed.

"Thorin..." I whispered. He was breathing softly. I leaned down and kissed his lips. He suddenly jolted up and started breathing heavily. He grabbed my wrist as I gasped and stumbled backwards.

"Did I just die?" he asked.

I nodded my head.

"But...but, how?"

I jumped up and hugged him. "It doesn't matter! You're okay now!"

He hugged me back tightly.

"Where is Kili? Is he alright?"

I nodded. "And so is Fili."

"But Fili..."

I shook my head. "Everyone is alright."

He let out a massive sigh. "Thank god." He grabbed my head and kissed me. "Thank god."

Tauriel was reunited with Kili, and she admitted her love to him. It was a very happy reunion.

We gathered around a great table to feast.

"To Erebor!" Thorin shouted as he raised his glass up high. We all cheered and drank. Thorin and I shared a beautiful kiss.

"Wait...what's going on here?" Kili and Fili asked in unison. Thorin and I looked at each other and realized that they didn't know about us. We laughed as we explained it to them.

Thorin was very much a changed dwarf. Much different from when I met him in Bree. I didn't like him one bit. And now, I couldn't imagine life without him. He blessed Kili and Tauriel's love with open arms, and gave much gold to the people of Laketown, and even returned Thranduil his jewels, gaining his ally once more.

It was a beautiful start to my new life.


I'm so close to being done!!!! It's making me a little sad😢

But I have a sequel coming and Lots of other fanfics going rn!! I have a Legolas one coming soon, and my Thranduil and Frodo ones are already up!! Check 'em out for me!!

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