Chapter 14 - Out of the Frying Pan

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I screamed.

The king started singing some disturbing song as torture devices were brought out and the dwarves were being whipped and bitten by the goblins.

The goblins rushed towards me and started climbing on me, ripping my clothes off with their fingernails and teeth. Their snotty noses rubbed up against my neck as I released blood curdling shrieks.

A goblin pulled out Thorin's sword and screamed in terror, as did the king.

"I know that sword!" he exclaimed. "It's the goblin cleaver! The Biter! The blade that slashed a thousand necks!"

As he spoke, the goblins started whipping the dwarves more. The goblins crawling on me proceeded to rip my clothes apart.

"THORIN!" I screamed. But there was nothing he could do.

"Slash them! Beat them!" the goblin king demanded. "Kill them! Kill them all! Cut off his head!"

I bowed my head and started to weep. I was stripped down to nothing but my undergarments. A goblin crawled on me and wrapped his hand around my neck, while examining my body and licking his lips. His fingernails dug into my skin and I whimpered. He leaned in closer to my face while I tried to scream, but he was choking me, so nothing but small squeaks escaped my mouth.

Suddenly, there was a massive explosion of bright light. A shockwave ripped through the area, flinging goblins in the air and destroying the torturing machines. Everyone was knocked down, including the Great Goblin.

When the force of the explosion had passed, most of the lights in the "town" had been snuffed out.

Coming from the area of the explosion, I saw a shadow with a tall pointy hat walk up. It was Gandalf, holding his staff and his sword, Glamdring.

Light slowly returned to the area as the goblins and dwarves slowly looked up, recovering from the shock. They all stared at Gandalf.

"Take up arms!" Gandalf shouted. "Fight! Fight!"

The dwarves quickly got up and began fighting the goblins. Thorin regained his composure and ran over to me. He climbed the platform, and fought off goblins while they still tried crawling all over me. I squirmed in efforts to shake them off. Thorin finally made it up and killed them. He untied me and my head hung low in exhaustion. He lifted it back up.

"Jaedda," he whispered. I looked up at him.

"Don't look at me," I said.

"We have to get you out of here." He took his long cloak and draped it over me. He untied me, held onto my waist, and swung from a rope back down to the platform. Thorin resumed fighting while Gandalf came up to me.

"I'm so sorry Jaedda," he said. "Here."

He waved his hands and new clothes appeared on my body. I looked up at him.

"Thank you, Gandalf."

He nodded. "Now fight! Fight!"

I grabbed my sword and started slashing at the goblins. As the goblins ran at Gandalf, he killed them with his sword and staff. The Great Goblin, still lying on the ground, saw Gandalf's sword and pointed to it, crying aloud to his companions.

"He wields the Foe Hammer, the Beater! Bright as daylight!"

Some of the dwarves reached their pile of weapons and began tossing them to each other. They used their weapons to defeat the goblins around them. Nori, while fighting, landed on the floor. The Great Goblin ran to him, swinging his mace.

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