Chapter 2 - Thorin's Cabin

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"Get on," Thorin demanded.

"I can walk," I insisted.

"It's pouring down rain. Besides, the pony can handle both of our weight."

He climbed on and held out his large hand for me to take.

"Really," I proceeded. "I'm fine."

He rolled his eyes, reached down and pulled me up onto the pony like I was a light as a pillow. I shrieked.

"Shh!" he shushed harshly. "Do you want an Orc to hear you?"

"Not that you're any worse."

He chuckled. "You're not going to make this easy, now are you?"

I ignored him.

"Put your arms around my waist," he requested.


"Suit yourself." The pony burst full speed ahead. I jolted backwards, but managed to hang on. Scared that I might fall and break a bone, I pushed myself forward and wrapped my arms around Thorin's torso.

"What are you trying to do?" I shouted.

"Get back to camp," he replied innocently.

I rolled my eyes as the rain poured down on us, the wind blowing the harsh drops into my face. Along with the drops came one, hot tear. I did not want to be with this dwarf. Not at all. And now I was stuck serving him, possibly for the rest of my life.

"Why do you cry?" he asked.

"I'm not," I protested, wiping the tear. He laughed.

"Don't try to hide your tears from me. I want to see them."

"Why do you treat me so?"

"Why have you pledged yourself to me if you don't enjoy my company?"

"I didn't know that your company would be this foul," I retorted.

"I'm not fond of women," he admitted. "Especially the ones that I have to care for."

"Oh?" I questioned. "Such as?"

"The servants, my sister, the maids," he listed.

"You are not fond of your own sister?" I asked in shock. "I pity you."

"What do you know?"

"You should be lucky that you even have a sister."

"What sort of luck is that?"

"There are some who do not have the privilege of a sibling. Or did once. And now, they are lost."

"Don't try and guilt trip me," he defended. "Yet another reason why I am not fond of your kind."

"Then why did you insist on my accompanying you?"

He looked sternly ahead. "I need assistance in preparation for this journey. Everything I have is back at my camp. You are going to help me."

"Why not get the other Dwarves to help?" I sternly suggested.

"Because they all have things of their own. They have enough trouble. Besides, I live in solitude. Us dwarves are all spread out."

"So, for these past years, have you just been wandering Middle Earth, in hopes of finding a new home?"

He nodded. "I heard rumor that my father was seen wandering the Wilds near Dunland. I was going to seek out to find him. But this is far more important." I returned the nod.

We traveled on for what seemed like hours, until, finally, we arrived at a clearing in the woods. In the clearing, stood a small, wooden cabin. Thorin dismounted and tied the pony to a tree. He fed it an apple. I dismounted as well.

"So this is where you've been living?" I asked.

He nodded. "For a few months. It's not much. But it's better than sleeping under the open sky and rain."

We walked inside, a fire already started in the hearth. It was one room. And one bed.

"There's only one bed..." Thorin pointed out.

"We'll share it," I stated.

"I can just sleep on the floor," he protested.

"No. There is no need to."

He rolled his eyes and took off his cloak, revealing his long, dark hair. So I removed mine as well, exposing my hair of a similar nature to his.

We removed our weapons and shoes.

"Do you want anything to eat?" he offered.

I shook my head. "I'm not hungry. Just tired."

"Then sleep," he commanded.

I got up and walked over to the bed. It wasn't a terribly small bed. But sleeping with him may be prove to be bit awkward. I chose the side against the wall and laid down, facing it.

I still didn't fully understand what an Arkenstone was. Perhaps when Thorin was in a mood far less foul, I would ask him. I looked over at him. He angrily stared at the fire.

But that may not be for a long time.

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