Chapter 35 - Repurcussion

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"Neither does Thorin!" I exclaimed in confusion. "Gandalf, what is happening here?"

"I don't know, Ms. Thorn!" he yelled. I shrunk back. "I don't know."

He called for a gathering of the dwarves. Dain was in quite a disarray. He looked nothing like Thorin, but I felt bad for him. I wanted to comfort him, but I didn't think that was a proper time to.

"Listen," Gandalf said. "I think I may know what happened here. But I need your full cooperation."

We all nodded.

"Did anything from the Orcs injure the brothers or Thorin when the company was traveling here?"

We all looked at each other.

"Yes," Bofur said. "A black arrow."

Gandalf's head shot up. "A black arrow, you say?"

"Yeah. It shot Kili in the leg. Thorin even made him stay behind in the Laketown while the rest of us continued on to the mountain."

"The Necromancer is more clever than I thought..." Gandalf mumbled.

"Necromancer?" I asked.

"Then tell me, how did Kili get back to the mountain?" he asked.

"Well, Tauriel healed him," Oin said. "With Elvish medicine."

"Elvish medicine, you say?"

Tauriel nodded.

"I think I know now for sure."

"Please, tell us!" I exclaimed.

"The Necromancer in Dol Guldur wanted the mountain for himself. He could control most of Middle-Earth from here. However, to do that, the line of Durin had to be cut off. He sent Azog the Defiler to do this. When Kili got struck with that arrow, the poison raced through his veins. Although the Elleth removed it, the poison also appeared in Thorin and Fili's blood."

"How is that possible?!" We all exclaimed.

"The Necromancer is a powerful sorcerer. He can so many things," Gandalf exclaimed. "Even though it was extracted out of Kili, it had already infected Thorin and Fili, causing Kili to become poisoned once more."

"But, I saw Kili get stabbed!" Tauriel exclaimed.

"And I saw Fili get struck in the back by Azog," Dwalin interrupted.

"Let me finish," Gandalf requested. "The Necromancer forgot one thing. Although the poison was meant to kill, if the host is pierced by an Orcish blade, the poison will prevent any damage to be done to the body. The blades did nothing."

"So you're telling me, that they died from being poisoned?" Gloin asked.

"I'm telling you that they're not dead."

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