❸❸ The Audition

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I groaned slightly as my eyes slowly flickered open to see Reno crouched down at my side looking down at me with worry in his eyes

"Reno?" I said softly placing a hand to my head as I slowly sat up

"I'm here, you're ok" he said said softly placing a hand on my back

I nodded slightly feeling cold under my legs only now just noticing I had been laying on a cold hard floor, I gasped as my eyes scanned the room seeing all the cages and torture devices littered around the room "Where..... are we?"

"It's like some creepy torture room" Aerith said softly as she shivered walking around the place slightly her high heels making a soft noise against the floor

"Stay close" Cloud said softly as he also looked around slightly staying close to Aerith as he did

I groaned slightly as I placed my head in my hands, my head pounding from the gas

"Yo, are you ok?" Reno said softly carefully sitting down infront of my and grabbing my hands

I nodded slowly holding his hands as I sighed softly "The gas just really got me, that's all.... I...I'll be ok"

Reno raised an eyebrow slightly but he nodded keeping a hold of my hands as he rubbed circles into the backs of them with his thumbs, I took a deep breath shuffling closer to Reno resting my head on his chest

"I'm sorry" I said softly

"Huh? For what?" The red head raised his eyebrow again looking down at me

"For getting all of you into this mess, I shouldn't should have ne-"

I was interrupted by a loud dong of a bell being rung, we all stood up properly looking around to where the noise might have come from. Soon we heard someone clearing their throat through a speaker that was placed in the high corner of the room

"Alright ladies! I know you may be feeling still a bit woozy but the Don is ready to meet you!-" The man spoke with great enthusiasm and he chuckled "-uh... just head on through those doors on the right and up the stairs, and the Don will meet you shortly!"

I sighed softly as I watched the door on the right open Cloud and Aerith rushing through first as me and Reno eventually followed close behind

"Let's do this" Cloud nodded as he started to walk up the stone steps clenching his fists

"Do you want to do this?" I teased chuckling slightly which left the merc blushing slightly

We soon all reached the top of the stairs and was escorted into a room, it was way better than the one we had just been in and didn't seem as creepy. We we're lined up with spaces between us and I looked over at Reno nodding slightly to him as I took a deep breath, he nodded back clenching his fists slightly as he seemed even more nervous than I was.

"Alright then ladies! Let's get this started huh?!" One of the lackeys said standing infront of us all smirking

I gasped slightly as I recognised his face, we had met him in the Coliseum along with the other low life that stood at the side of the room. I had caught his attention as I gasped and he raised an eyebrow as he seemed to scan my face and then he looked at the four of us his eyes then landing on Aerith's

"Wait a minute..... we haven't met before... have we?" He said narrowing his eyes slightly

Aerith stayed quiet and just shook her head keeping we composure, the man scratched the back of his head looking all of us again and he shook his head

"Ah.... never mind.... anyway!" He stood up straighter and his smirk returned to his face "Please welcome the most eligible bachelor in wall market, Don Corneo!"

We all seemed to take a deep breath in sink and soon a short creeping looking man poked out from behind a wall walking into the room

"Ladies!" He smirked

I felt my body tense as he quickly started to walk towards me looking me up and down as he slowly licked his lips at my curves, he stood up straight running a finger over my angel wing shoulder pads making me growl slightly which he seemed to like. I took a deep breath as he slowly circled me his main focus my breasts as he came back around to gave me, I could feel Reno's death glare from the corner of my eye

The don soon took a step back nodding as he looked me up and down one more time as he then moved onto Aerith following similar actions to how he was with me however, he seemed to enjoy how Aerith's dress hugged her curves a lot more than mine making him bite his lip that made me shiver In disgust. Corneo then slowly stepped back as he nodded looking over at Cloud and Reno, his interest suddenly much more peaked at the two men which brought a slight chuckle to my lips

The Don walked up to Cloud who glared down at him coldly however, still following Aerith's elegant mannerism. Corneo licked his lips as he grabbed onto Cloud and Reno's arms as if feeling their muscles under their dresses and he nodded as he took a step back facing his back to us

"Oh yeah! I've got it!" He chuckled punching his fist into the air spinning around the face her "Todays bride is!-"

"Today's?!" Aerith suddenly spoke up looking at me and then at Corneo

"And tomorrows and next weeks, if the Don takes a shine to ya'" One of his lackeys smirked giving Aerith a thumbs up

"Bullshit" Reno snarled under his breath slightly which made everyone's heads turn

"Huh? Who said that?!" The Don's smile faded as he looked at Reno walking closer to him "Was it you?"

Reno bit his tongue narrowing his eyes in disgust at the Don who's smirk slowly returned "Todays winner is the red head!"

My eyes widened and I looked over at Reno clenching my fists as Corneo grabbed his arm I took a step forward but Aerith held her hand out and shook her head "Don't"

"But he....." I sighed softly and nodded dropping my head

The Don started to pull Reno along besides him who tried to get out of his grip slightly trying not to make his efforts noticeable

"Come on my darling..... boys! The leftovers are yours!" Corneo smirked and he pulled Reno through some doors out of sight

The lackeys around us cheered slightly and all three of us were lead to a room, I teared up as I worried about Reno wanting to run and save him but knew I couldn't. As we walked into the room more of the Don's men awaited us greediness in their eyes as they licked their lips

"Leftovers....... courtesy of the Don himself" The man behind us said chuckling

I tensed slightly as the hooligans started to cheer The Don's name and I took a slight step back my hand behind grabbed by Aerith's as I did, she looked at me and smiled slightly

"We'll get to him.... I promise"

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