❷⓪ Tragic Love

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My eyes widened as I felt his warm lips against mine, his scent was strong as he leant his body in closer gently grabbing my hands. I looked into his eyes which sparkled in the sunset and he gently put my hands around his shoulders as he started to move his lips against mine, I felt my cheeks heat up and I slowly kissed Reno back closing my eyes as I embraced this moment.

I heard Reno groan under his hot breath slightly as his hands slowly traveled down my body stopping at my hips which he gripped tenderly, I gasped slightly at this bit of contact with Reno's hands allowing him to deepen the kiss. I gently caressed the back of his neck with my thumbs as he slowly pulled me closer, my eyes flickering open as his hands traveled down to my thighs.

He gently caressed my thighs running his sharp finger nails down them every so often which gave me goose bumps, strands of his bright red hair fell over his soft untouched face framing it slightly as he slowly closed his Aqua eyes his long eyelashes resting just on his cheek bones as he continued to softly kiss my delicate soft lips.

My hands on his shoulders slowly found there way down to his bare hairless chest that was exposed by the open buttons on his shirt, I could feel his smirk on my lips as he leant into my touch slightly kissing me slightly rougher as h gripped my right thigh.

I had completely melted into the kiss and his touch by now as I made my best attempts to keep up with his soft but slightly rough kissing biting at his lip now and again to which he would smirk at me to indicate he liked it. I slowly built up the courage to be the one to roughen the kiss more my hands traveling down from Reno's chest down to his stomach which his shirt and blazer covered.

I heard him groan slightly into the kiss as I pressed my fingers into his stomach through his blazer, he grabbed one of my wrists firmly making me look right into his danger filled eyes. I slowly clenched my fist as he squeezed my wrist gently laying me down in the daisy filled grass pinning my wrist above me head as he towered over me not breaking the kiss once, his long rat tail slowly fell over his shoulder as his goggles slipped down his head very slightly as he leant his body down closer to mine.

I felt as if my whole body was on fire, my heart pounded in my chest and my cheeks burnt a bright red as I was eager for Reno's body to be close to mine, the slight space between our chests made me whine slightly into the kiss so hungry for contact. I felt the red heads hands slowly grasp at my waist rubbing it in rough but soothing circles making me gasp slightly my E/C sparkling in the now new moon light, I gazed up at the red head as his lips stayed on mine the warmth of our breaths mixing. He seemed so focused on his motions smirking slightly more at every little movement or noise I made under his lips, I saw his eyes sparkle eagerly however, he quickly pulled his lips away from mine staring down just to the side of me his face held a look of confusion.

"R.....Reno?" I asked softly my breathing heavy as I tried to get some of it back while I could my eyebrow raised as I gazed up at the older man

Reno furrowed his brows slightly not responding to my question as he still stared down at the side of me, I raised my eyebrow more and slowly glanced to where he was looking but, there was nothing there.

"Reno?" I asked again even softer this time gently placing a hand to Reno's cheek

"H...huh?" He flinched slightly at my touch his aqua orbs slowly making their way to my face

"A.....are you ok?" I asked softly

"I..... y...yeah I'm fine...... thought I saw something... that's all" Reno nodded and he smiled slowly

"Like what?" I asked raising an eyebrow to which the red head shook his head

"Nothing..... don't worry about it.... now... where were we?" He smirked slowly leaning his face close to mine again making my cheeks once again heat up

"I....I don't seem to remember" I teased smirking back

"Hmm... wrong answer" Reno smirked more

"I didn't know there was a right one" I chuckled softly also smirking more as I ran a hand through the man's spiky red hair

As my hand traveled to the back of Reno's head he once again connected our lips this time even more passionately than the last which caught me or guard making me squeak in surprise, I smiled softly my soft lips kissing his back his hands slowly traveling down the sides of my body. I slowly closed my E/C eyes as Reno slowly grasped at my hips, I smiled more groaning slightly at the contact. I felt something tickle my right hand, assuming it was something to do with Reno I slowly closed my hand over the unknown thing however, Reno's lips were once again pulled away from mine.

"Reno?" I said softly as I slowly opened the eyes to see him staring down at my closed hand

My eyes widened slightly as I realised the thing was still in my hand and it was nothing to do with Reno, I took a deep breath and slowly turned my head over to the direction of where my hand was placed slowly unclenching my fingers.

As I slowly unclenched my fists I gasped as a black feather was revealed in my hand, the feather was a jet black with slight black mist of some sort lining the feather. My hand started to shake as I realised the similarity of the feather my vision starting to freak out with it, my breathing sped up and soon big boots appeared besides me and Reno and a large figure blocked out the moons light creating a dark shadow over mine and Reno's bodies.

"You have disappointed me, Y/N" the familiar deep voice scolded

I whimpered slightly afraid to look up, afraid to connect eyes with the monster that is hunting me. I saw Reno glance up and he quickly grabbed his head with my hands making him look at me, I shook my head and put a finger to his lips telling him to be quiet.

"Even after explaining that you will be the cause of his demise, you let yourself fall..... deep down" Sephiroth said deeper a sinister grin on his face that I did not need to see to know it was there

I kept my eyes on Reno's his eyes widening at Sephiroth's statement, I sighed and dropped my head

"T.....this.... is what I've been trying to protect you from" I said quietly tears forming in my eyes

Reno slowly placed his hands over mine and he slowly nodded "it's ok..... I promise" he said softly

"Oh... what a tragedy..." Sephiroth started picking Reno up by the back of his shirt collar holding him up high

"Reno!" I screamed slightly, quickly standing up on my feet the dim garden lights flickering

I ran towards Sephiroth but was shoved back by a black cloak one similar to the one back at Shinra, I groaned as I fell to the floor looking up at Reno helplessly. Sephiroth looked down at me with his glowing green eyes smirking more as he slowly pulled his sword out from its holder holding Reno up higher

"No!! Reno!! Please no!!" I screamed stumbling to my feet tears stinging my eyes as I charged towards Sephiroth only to be shoved back by the mysterious cloak again

I cried and screamed up at Sephiroth and in one quick movement Reno's white shirt soon turned red, stained with his own blood as the sword pierced his back and out through his stomach. The life in his eyes drained as he went limp in Sephiroth's grasp, I cried loudly shaking with rage.

Sephiroth chuckled and pulled his sword from Reno dropping him onto the grass, he then knelt down infront of me his lips almost brushing mine as he whispered deeply

"...to see him die"

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