❹❷ A familiar face

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It had been a couple of hours now since the figure had come into our home, it was now evening spending it watching the doctor do his job on this unidentifiable person. I sighed softly as I looked over at the clock, Reno was still out and Cloud had left forcing me to engage in small talk with the doctor as he examined the figure. I sighed standing up and walking to the kitchen deciding to make dinner tonight for me and Reno putting in a bit extra just in case the figure was also hungry, I rubbed my eyes as I turned on the stove starting to mix ingredients together in a pot. The house was uneasily quiet except for the mumbles of the doctor in the room back behind me, I took a deep breath adding some salt into the food as I mixed. As I continued to cook I sang to myself quietly trying to satisfy my boredom of this task, I wasn't the best but it was the effort that counted as I continued to stir for what felt like hours. I sighed taking a step back to stretch when there was a knock at the door, I gasped running over to answer it and as I did Reno was presented to me slightly bruised and battered from today's work.

"Hey beautiful" Reno smiled placing a hand on my shoulder

"H...hi.... I.... what happened? You look hurt" I said softly looking up at the older man with worry in my eyes

"Eh... nothing really just ran into some trouble is all, I'm ok and so is everyone else" Reno said softly caressing my shoulder to comfort me

I sighed softly and nodded suddenly hugging Reno tightly nuzzling into his chest "I hate when you have to take on such violent jobs"

"I...I know, I know but.... it's my duty as a Turk" Reno said softly gently placing a hand on the back of my head playing with my H/C hair

"And your the only man in Midgar stupid to do it huh" I teased giving him a gentle squeeze

"Guess so... I'll take that as I compliment" Reno chuckled giving me a gentle squeeze back as he then picked me up walking into the house as he shut the door behind him

I smiled as he picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist as I clung to him resting my head against his chest as I listened to his gentle yet strong heart beat. I heard Reno take a deep breath as he then sighed in satisfaction walking over to the food that was being cooked

"Ah... that's what smells so good" he said softly carefully rubbing my back

"Oh it does huh.... I spoil you too much" I smiled kissing his cheek

"You do... just like last night when you-"

I gasped cutting Reno off as I slapped my hand over his mouth, he made muffled sounds of complaints as he looked at me and I shook my head as I then motioned it over to the living room where the doctor and figure were still. Reno looked over to that direction raising an eyebrow as he looked specifically at the figure and then back and me gently taking my hand from his mouth

"Uh... who is that?" Reno said quietly a slight growl in his voice

"I.....I don't know" I said softly placing my hands on Reno's cheeks

"Huh? What do you mean you don't know?" Reno said leaning into my hands as he looked back over at the figure

"Me and Cloud found him, we were called on a job.... told that he was creating a ruckus... he collapsed when I found him so.... we brought him home" I said softly caressing Reno's cheeks

"Oh come on Y/N..... do you know how dangerous that is? He was reported to have been causing trouble and then you let him stay here with you alone" Reno looked back at me a slightly snarl forming on his lips

"But I.... I couldn't just leave him on the floor, he's so skinny and pale.... he needs help" I argued back continuing to caress Reno's cheeks

"We're not a hospital or a hotel" Reno sighed

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