❽ Lock down

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I groaned softly as I started to wake up, alarms ringing in my ears as a red light flashed by Reno's door, I quickly sat up in a panic and I looked around the room noticing Reno sat in a chair he saw my panicked expression and walked over to me

"something has escaped from the labs so the building is going into lock down, we're safe in here and the alarm will go off soon!" He said shouting so he could be heard over the alarm

I nodded but still panicked slightly the loud noise started to give me a headache, i groaned slightly and nuzzled my face into Reno's pillow curling the pillow around my head pressing it against my ears. I closed my eyes and strangely focused on the scent of the pillow to try and block out the sound of the continuous alarm.

After a couple of painful long minutes the loud alarm stopped and the red light switched off, i heard Reno sigh in relief as i slowly took the pillow from my ears and opened my eyes sitting up.

"You might not be able to go back to Aerith tomorrow" Reno stood up

"What!? Why?!" I growled

Reno sighed and he pinched the skin between his eyebrows "Why do you think?"

I just glared at him crossing my arms

Reno sighed again and he shook his head "Right, So you know how something has escaped from the lab?  well the whole building is going to be on high alert while also being on lock down which will stay that way well into tomorrow even if the thing is found and that is why you will not be able to go back, do you understand?"

i snarled "Yes..,.. don't speak to me like i'm a dumb child"

"Well... i mean" Reno chuckled slightly to which I kicked him in the shin causing him to groan

"What the hell man!?" He growled

i laughed slightly and stood up off the bed letting the blanket i had fall off my shoulders, i walked over to a tall window in Reno's room and looked out at the dark rainy weather

"So i'm stuck in here with you?" i sighed

"I mean.... i guess but i normally walk around the building anyway when stuff like this happens" Reno shrugged and he flopped down onto his bed

"Oh right" I nodded and wrapped my arms around myself slightly, I sighed softly as my leg still hurt and I was getting kinda hungry

Reno sighed and he rolled onto his stomach looking over at me "So..... Y/N..... how do you know Aerith?"

"Huh?" I was slightly caught of guard by the sudden question and I shrugged "I've know her since I was younger, she helped me a lot with some shit I was dealing with"

"Oh" Reno nodded and he rested his cheek in his hand his gaze not leaving me "So... how old are you?"

"T...twenty" I answered hesitantly

Reno nodded again and he stretched scratching his slightly exposed chest "Do you have like siblings or anything?"

"What? No... w..why?" I stuttered

"Oh it's nothing really.... it's just...... your face seems similar" Reno narrowed his eyes slightly as he scanned me

"Oh... w...well I've never met you in my life before now" I quickly turned my back to him taking a deep breath to calm myself

"Huh... yeah ok" Reno nodded and he sat up his legs hung over the side of the bed

I could feel Reno's eyes fixed on the back of my head which made me move slightly feeling slightly anxious

"Do you have a job?" Reno asked

"I- n...not really.... no" I shook my head and rubbed my arm getting more anxious by his questions

"Right..... where'd you get all your scars from?"

"Fighting..... t....things...." I said softly my hands shaking

"Well you know..... maybe try not to get beat up so much, you have a pretty face" Reno scratched the back of his head

My eyes widened slightly and I blushed "T....thanks"

Reno nodded and he stood up "Wanna come do some training?"

I turned around and looked up at him "w....where? I thought you said the building was on lock down"

"Oh it is..... we have a training area in this building" Reno smiled

"Oh right.....s....sure..... yeah alright then but uh..... could I possibly have some food? I'm pretty hungry" I rub my arm

"Oh yeah ofcourse you can..... I'll go get something now stay here" Reno nodded and he smiled walking out the room

I nodded and I looked at my bloody cargo trousers that was folded up on a chair, I quickly went to them and grabbed my mask from them stuffing it in my pocket along with my daggers I sighed in relief and sat down waiting for Reno

Soon he came back and he smiled as he handed me an energy drink of some sorts and two breakfast bars "I know it's not much but"

"It's something, thank you" I smiled standing up as I opened one of the bars shoving it in my mouth

Reno nodded and he smiled "so? You ready now?"

I nodded smiling softly as I shoved the other bar in my pocket and took a swig of the energy drink "I'm ready"

Reno nodded and he opened the door and let me walk out first, he the walked out behind me and gently placed a hand on my back

"If there's any guards keep your head down and stay close" Reno said softly

I nodded and he took his hand from my back and he walked infront of me, I followed close behind glancing to the side of me now and again

"Should you really trust him?"

I flinched slightly as I heard the voice right in my ear which sent goose bumps down my body, I looked around me but no one was there. I sighed and shook my head lowering my head focusing on Reno's steps

"You're a freak.... and he'll see that soon"

I flinched as I heard the voice again and I covered my ears gripping at my ears slightly, my breathing became shaky and my body felt heavy the lights above us flickering as I teared up

"Huh?" Reno looked up at the lights raising an eyebrow

I held my breath trying to keep back my tears when suddenly I felt a hand grab me by the arm, I screamed the lights above us blowing out as I did

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