❶❽ "I know everything"

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The rest of the day and evening I just rested, Aerith sat on a chair next to my bed as she told me stories and even made daisy chains with me. I refused to rest at first but Aerith said it would be best as my wound looked slightly infected so I didn't argue

Reno had left not long after I had been reunited with Aerith and I strangely missed him, my mind couldn't stop thinking about his face or voice

I sighed softly and flopped my head down onto the pillow of the bed watching the sun set out the window

"Everything ok?" Aerith asked softly from the chair smiling softly as she looked up at me from the book she was reading

"I....... I'm fine" I crossed my arms looking up at the ceiling

"The pout on your face says otherwise" Aerith giggled placing a hand on her hip

"Huh?" I felt my cheeks heat up slightly and I looked over at Aerith who was smiling knowingly

"Who you thinking about?" She said softer trying to encourage me to talk

I shook my head looking away "No one"

"Hmmm ok... but just know I don't believe you for a second" Aerith giggled and she looked back down at the book she was reading

I nodded and sighed facing my back to her curling up slightly my eyes widening slightly as I could smell Reno's scent on my top which calmed me down slightly

"Aerith! Cloud is here!" I heard Elmyra shout up softly followed by a giggle from Aerith

"Coming!" She shouted back smiling softly as she stood up

I rolled onto my side looking up at Aerith "Have fun on your date" I teased smiling slightly

Aerith giggled and she gently poked my cheek "oh you! It's not a date... Cloud just agreed to help me pick some flowers"

"Cloud? And flowers?" I raised an eyebrow chuckling slightly

"Yeah! He's a natural... trust me" Aerith giggled

"I'll choose to believe you" I chuckled slightly and slowly sat up stretching

"Good" Aerith nodded and she smiled softly walking over to the door a spring in her step, she went to walk out but stopped "oh! I almost forgot" she giggled

I raised an eyebrow looking at her "huh?"

Aerith giggled again and she walked to me "Hold your hand out"

"Uh..... ok" I raised my eyebrow again and slowly held my hand out

Aerith giggled and she carefully placed a bracelet in my hand, one similar to her many she has on her wrists. I looked at the bracelet and tilted my head noticing it had Ice and Healing materia in it

"Oh... wow Aerith.... where did you get this?" I smiled looking up at the flower girl

"Oh I've had it for a while" She smiled softly "thought it would be better use to you than being sat in a draw"

I nodded and slowly put on the bracelet on my right wrist smiling softly as I held it up to the light my eyes sparkling with the materia

"It's beautiful Aerith.... thank you so much" I smiled softly placing my hand down

"Don't mention it" She shook her head and smiled softly kissing my forehead

I blushed slightly and smiled softly standing up hugging Aerith tightly, Aerith squeaked but she hugged me back just as tight running a hand through my H/C hair

"Everything is going to be ok" Aerith said softly and she placed her forehead against mine

I nodded and smiled softly but suddenly my vision started to go static, me breathing immediately sped up as I started to panic but instead of hearing the menacing voice of Sephiroth I heard the soft sweet hush of Aerith who was looking into my eyes with her bright green ones

"It's ok" She said softly slowly closing her eyes

My eyes widened slightly as I watched Aerith images of yellow flowers and hands praying in water flashing infront of me, I gripped onto Aerith's jacket as an image of Aerith flashed up with Sephiroth at her side. I gasped and opened my mouth to say something but Aerith hushed me and unwrapped her arms from me stepping back


"I know" she said softly nodding "I know everything"

I stepped back slightly and looked down at my hands that were shaking slightly, Aerith gently grabbed my hands caressing them as she looked at me

"You're his last hope.... to destroying the whole planet" Aerith said softly dropping her head slightly "You can't give in to him..... because if you do...... this whole planet will decay at his will..... everything we know will die"

My eyes widened even more and they sparkled, Aerith squeezed my hands gently and she looked into my E/C eyes

"I have to do everything I can to stop him...... I can't let him win" Aerith said softly

I nodded tearing up slightly as my body started to shake slightly

"A.....am I the evil here?" I said softly

Aerith gasped slightly and she shook her head slowly letting my hands go

"No..... he is" Aerith said in a slightly mote serious tone and she clenched her fists

I stepped back and nodded looking down at Aerith's clenched fists and then back up at her

"But...... I can't defeat him on my own........ I need you Y/N" Aerith said softer

My jaw dropped slightly and I pointed at myself disbelief on my face "M....m....me?"

Aerith nodded and she placed her forehead against mine slowly closing get eyes

"Your strongest form is the only thing that can defeat him...... you have a long way to go...... to find such magic strength but...... you will..." Aerith said softly

I nodded slightly and also closed my eyes clenching my fists the lights above us flickering slightly as I took a deep breath and

"You're a fool!" I heard a deep voice hiss in my ear

I opened my eyes and quickly stepped back gasping slightly as I saw Sephiroth quickly appear and disappear just behind Aerith's shoulder

Aerith opened her eyes and she looked at me raising an eyebrow "Y/N? Are you ok?"

I took a deep breath and nodded "I'm fine"

Aerith shook her head slightly but she smiled "I should get going, could you water the flowers in the garden please?"

"Ofcourse" I nodded "go have some fun"

Aerith nodded and she giggled, she gently kissed my forehead and then joyfully skipped out the room shutting the door behind her, I watched Aerith leave from the window her arms linked with Clouds as she skipped off with him dragging on behind her

I sighed once they were out of sight and slumped down onto the bed rubbing my face the warm suns rays of the setting sun shining in onto the wooden floors.

After a while I stood up rubbing my face again as I made my way downstairs and outside into the cool air, I grabbed a baby pink watering can that was by the front door and I filled it up with some cold water from a hose at the side of the house. I groaned slightly as I dragged the now heavy watering can over to the flower patch watering the yellow lilies first as I know they're Aerith's favourite.

As I moved onto watering the other flowers I felt strong arms wrap around my waist which made me squeak dropping the watering can onto the pair of feet behind me

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