❷❽ The Don's Coliseum

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After a bit Reno slowly backed away from the kiss his cheeks were tinted a soft pink which made me chuckle slightly, I held my hand out to him which he took tightly. I gently kissed the red lines on his cheek bones and led him inside the parlour where Cloud and Aerith were waiting, Cloud had his arms crossed as he rested against a wall as Aerith tried to get more than one word reposes from him.

Aerith sighed softly and she turned around as she heard the door open and she smiled at me and Reno "Well hello stranger"

"Hi... sorry I got a bit distracted" I chuckled slightly smiling as I felt Reno hold my hand tighter

"Oh? And I wonder what could've caused that" Aerith giggled placing her hands on her hips as she looked at Reno

I blushed and chuckled softly shaking my head, suddenly Madam M walked into the room and she stopped in her tracks as she noticed Reno

"Oh..... hello.... are you a customer?" She raised an eyebrow looking the Turk up and down as she fanned herself

"No..... he's with us" I said holding Reno's hand tighter

"Huh... ok then" Madam M rolled her eyes slightly and she walked back behind the counter looking at the four of us "Right... so you two ladies want to get into an audition?"

"Sure do" Aerith nodded smiling softly

"Well the first thing we'll need to take care of is.... your outfits... they're comfy but not up to Corneo's standards" Madam M said placing a hand to her cheek as she rested her arm on the counter

"Ofcourse" I rolled my eyes sighing

Madam M nodded "But you see fashion and beauty is expensive...... so I need you to do a little favour for me"

"And that is?" Cloud crossed his arms standing close to Aerith

"Win the Corneo cup coming up soon in the Colosseum..... the prize money will go towards the girls make overs" Madam M said with a smile

"Huh... seems easy enough" Reno spoke up smirking slightly

Cloud nodded at the red head and he looked back at Madam M who shook her head chuckling

"Don't get too cocky gentlemen..... now go...... all of you before I change my mind.... I'll meet you at the Colosseum shortly" Madam M said as she waved us all out the parlour

We all left and started to make our way over the the Colosseum, Reno kept a tight hold on my hand caressing the soft skin with his thumb now and again as we walked. We eventually made it to the Colosseum and walked in, Cloud lead us over to a man who was stood next to an elevator that lead down to the preparation rooms for the fighters.

"Hello and welcome to wall markets Colosseum! Are you  interested fighters?"

Aerith nodded and she smiled "Yes, yes we are"

"Splendid! So are you four a team?" The man smiled back

"No... it's just me" Cloud crossed his arms

"Huh? Like hell it is" I growled at the merc slightly

"It's the four of us..... the four of us are a team" Aerith smiled grabbing Clouds's arm slightly as she looked up at him "We can fight too you know"

"I.... I do" Cloud nodded

Aerith also nodded and she giggled letting go of the Merc's arm

The man by the elevator nodded and he smiled "Well.... good luck down there"

We all nodded and walked into the elevator, Cloud pressed the button and we waited for the elevator to take us down. As the elevator started I could feel my nerves starting to creep up onto me, soon we got to the bottom and waited in a changing room until our names were called.

Once they were we all made our way into the fighting arena, crowds of people around us booed and hiss our team making comments about Aerith's staff and our whole team in general. I growled slightly as someone made a comment about Reno and j clenched my fists.

We all stood around the centre as the team we were facing was introduced, not too hard just two Shinra mutts and a man. We all took them out in a quick time doing mini stunts as we claimed victory

The crowds booed and hissed still as many yelled at us for their bets being lost now, I chuckled slightly and walked back to the preparation room with everyone

"Well that went well" Aerith smiled softly as she held her staff

"Huh yeah..... let's hope the rest of the rounds are that easy" I said softly smiling as I sighed softly

"Just don't lose focus" Cloud said before our names were called again

We went through the process of being called two more times, each time we came our victorious the crowd liking us more and more during our appearances. I hugged Reno tightly as we celebrated our victory looking up at the people around us I noticed a man in what seemed to be a bee themed outfit looking between Reno and Cloud very much interested

"Come on let's go" Cloud said to us and we all ran back over to our room the man standing just by the door clapping at our victory

We rushed into the changing room and all room a breather, all we had to do now was meet with Madam M. I sighed softly as rested my head on Reno's shoulder slightly, we all had some cuts and scrapes but nothing too major

After a bit the changing room door swung open and an unimpressed Madam M stormed in "Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but... you still have one last fight"

"What?!" I snarled slightly sitting up properly

"That wasn't part of the agreement" Cloud sighed crossing his arms

"Don't you think I know that!" Madam M growled which caused Cloud to back up slightly

"So... what's going on then?" Aerith said softly

"You four have impressed the Don so much...... and the crowd that they've all requested you take on one final match" Madam M sighed

"And then after that we win, right?" Reno sat up slightly

"Let's hope" Madam M nodded

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