❸❺ Sewers

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I groaned slightly as I slowly started to wake up feeling something nudge my body slightly, I rubbed my eyes as I lifted my head from the cold wet floor looking up to meet Reno's eyes. He sighed in relief holding a hand out to me helping me to my feet, I narrowed my eyes slightly as they still adjusted to the surroundings slowly gripping Reno's hand as I noticed we had been dropped into the sewers

"That bastard!" I growled

"Ain't that the truth" Reno sighed giving my hand a gentle squeeze

I nodded looking over at Aerith and Cloud as I heard Aerith groan slightly, Cloud helped her to her feet and she sighed looking around

"Well..... at least we are where we wanted to be" She said softly looking over at me

"I still hate him" I said softly sighing as I looked up at the opening we had been dropped through

"You can get back at him later but we need to go, if you're mother is down here she'll be waiting" Cloud said crossing his arms

I sighed again and nodded looking down at the hour glass around my neck which was almost half empty at this point "You're right..... let's just get this done. We have no time to lose*

Everyone nodded and we all started to make our way through the sewers, we fought many monsters along the way some more difficult than others. I sighed softly as we climbed down a rusted ladder, there had been no sign of my mother or any traces of her ever being here. My hope was slowly fading.

After what felt like endless hours of walking we soon came to an area where on the other side seemed to be a ladder which lead up to a drain cover

"Look! A way out!" Aerith said softly still smiling after everything as she pointed over at the ladder

"Good eye, we'll be out of here soon" Cloud nodded starting to navigate around the area with everyone following

I sighed as we approached the ladder my hand slowly falling from Reno's as I walked in front of the group, the water to the side of us starting to bubble causing us all to take a step back freezing in our positions

"Get back!" Cloud yelled standing in-front of us all as he pulled his sword form his back as two swamp creatures wielding spears emerged from the sewage water

"Oh fuck this" I growled as I shoved Cloud out the way holding my sword out as I glared at the creatures

The merc glared at me but was pulled back by Aerith before he could argue with me, I took a slow step back as the creatures continued to approach their spears pointing right towards me. I took a deep breath tightening the grip on my sword as I slowly raised my free hand my E/C eyes glowing as the merky water behind the creatures slowly raised in union with my hand.

"What the?" Reno's eyes widened and he took a step back looking at me

I took another deep breath slowly closing my eyes as I swiped my hand across the air the water following picking up the two creatures, I then opened my eyes throwing my sword across cutting the two creatures in half as they fell from the water onto the floor. I smirked slightly letting the water drop as I then put my sword back in its holder, I turned facing Reno, Cloud and Aerith their eyes wide as they kept their distance still

"Where'd you learn to do that shit?!" Reno chuckled slightly looking at the bodies on the floor and then back at me

I thought for a second before shaking my head shrugging "I..... don't actually know"

"Your power.... it's growing...." Aerith suddenly said grabbing my hands as she looked at them "But not by itself..... someone is helping you"

"Like who?" Reno said softly placing a hand on my back as he looked at Aerith

Aerith shook her head slightly and she looked up at me her emerald green eyes sparkling, my eyes widened slightly as my vision started to go slightly blurry and Aerith's face slowly turned into Sephiroth's, he towered over me looking down with a small smile. I gasped stumbling back as I tripped over my feet falling to the cold wet floor I scurried back my heart pounding in my chest

"Are you not going to thank me? How selfish" Sephiroth growled slowly walking towards me

"I won't thank you for anything!" I yelled continuing to scurry back as he approached

"How foolish" Sephiroth said deeply slowly kneeling down to my height his eyes fixed on mine "Time is running out...... but how are you choosing to use these seconds?"

I opened my mouth but shut it shaking my head fast as I scurried back more my back hitting a wall roughly making me groan, I looked up at Sephiroth who was slowly making his way over to me a dangerous sparkle in his eyes as he placed his hands either side of my head trapping me between the wall and his body

"Hmm?" He leant close smirking

I whimpered shaking my head as I cowered away from the taller man, he let out a slight chuckle before standing up pulling out his Masamune blade looking the steal up and down as he then turned his head back towards me as he then slowly lifted his sword in the air with his two hands. I gasped closing my eyes and curling up as I got ready to embrace the pain that was about to cover my body...... but.... nothing happened......

After a bit I slowly opened an eye and saw Aerith now knelt down Infront of me a worried look on her face as well as Cloud and Reno's

"Y/N? Are you ok?" Aerith said softly placing a hand on my cheek to which I slowly leant into

"I..... I'm fine" I sighed slowly standing up as so did she "We should go"

Aerith wasn't convinced but she slowly dropped her hand from my cheek and nodded grabbing my hand, we all then made our way over to the ladder Cloud climbing up first to make sure the area above was safe. Once he was happy that it was safe me, Reno and Aerith then climbed up my eyes widening as I looked around the area that we had stumbled into

The train graveyard.

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