❷ Boss Fight

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I snarled and lunged at him he did the same the metal rod he was holding hit my side sending an electric current through my body, I screamed slightly and stumbled back eventually catching myself. I heard him laugh and he ran at me, I dodged his attack and manage to cut his cheek only slightly I smirked under my mask knowing the poison would kick in soon.

"You little bitch!" He growled and swung his rod towards me just clipping my shoulder which sent an electric current through my body causing me to fall scraping my already scarred hands on some small rocks, he laughed and grabbed the back of top standing me up "Go on... I'll give you a free move" he chuckled

"Huh, dumbass" I chuckled slightly and stabbed him in the leg causing him to let go of my top, I quickly turned around and pulled the knife out his leg pushing him making him stumble over his own feet to the ground

I breathed heavily under the warm mask and I walked towards him holding my knife out I front of me, he groaned at the pain and held onto his leg as he backed away

"Leave me alone!" I screamed

"Huh.... how about no!" He laughed and struck me with his metal rod the electric currents causing me to stumble back

I groaned softly and held onto my hip where it had been struck, I growled and looked at one of my knifes storming towards him holding it up in the air however, suddenly someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back

"You kill him.... and you'll have to deal with these two guys" he nods at the guards who hold their guns towards me

I glare at them and then at Reno "Say I won" I growled

Reno shook his head and he stumbled to his feet leaning on one of the guards for support "this isn't over... I'll be back"

"You come back and I will kill you" I threatened my (E/C) eyes sparkling

Reno just chuckled and winked "Come on Rude.... I think she's getting tired"

I growled "Good luck with the poison"

Reno chuckled "Eh... it'll wear out.... come on Rude I think I've tired her out for one day"

I growled and Rude let go of me helping Reno into the helicopter the guards following not taking their eyes off of me, Reno chuckled but he coughed flipping me off before leaning back in his chair as the helicopter took off leaving me with bleeding hands and burnt skin from where I had been tased. I sighed and teared up slightly at the pain making my way back into my house taking my mask off and putting it on it's shelf before making my way into the bathroom taking a quick shower, the warm water stung my wounds making me clench my fists.

"Damn Turks" I growled but then chuckled slightly to myself "Jesus your starting to sound like Mum"

I looked down at my body and sighed at all the wounds, the water stung them but it felt nice to take a shower. One I finished I stepped out and got dried chucking on a black top and some shorts putting them on after putting my underwear on ofcourse, I walked out the bathroom turning the lights off and walking to my bedroom flopping down on the mattress on the floor. I sighed and rubbed my face tearing up

"Cheer up (Y/N) tomorrow is a new day" I said to myself nodding as I agreed

I yawned softly and rolled onto my side slowly closing my eyes letting myself drift off into a well deserved sleep.

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