❶❾ On Duty

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"Ow! What the hell man?!" I heard a familiar voice yell from behind me

I gasped and quickly turned around looking up at the familiar red head

"Reno?!" I squeaked blushing as I stepped back slightly

"Yeah.... dumbass who else would it be?!" Reno snarled slightly clutching his foot

"Oh my god I am so sorry, you scared me!" I explained

"No shit! Man that hurt like a bitch" Reno whined and he crossed his arms glaring down at me

"Well next time don't just come up behind me like that, creep" I teased chuckling slightly as I poked his chest "What are you doing here anyway?" I crossed my arms looking up at him with a raised eyebrow

"My duty" he shrugged "nothing special"

"Oh now that's just rude" I chuckled poking his chest again

"How come?" He smirked mischievously acting dumb

"I am your duty! Well.... watching me is" I chuckled and shook my head placing my hands on my hips

"Yeah, yeah I know..... but you're pretty boring so there's not much to watch" Reno chuckled slightly winking

"Uh my life hasn't been boring for a good like two days now so give me a break" I sighed walking up to the empty bit of grass that overlooked the whole garden slumping down on the soft grass

"I know.... don't worry" Reno nodded and I heard his footsteps follow me and soon he sat besides me, our arms just brushing one another's

I also nodded and tucked my knees up to my chest resting my head on my knees as my E/C eyes scanned the garden in the setting sunlight

"How much longer...... will my moments on earth be as peaceful as this?" I said softly 

Reno looked at me and he gently placed a hand on my back "For as long as I'm at your side.... keeping you safe"

I looked at him and chuckled slightly "You.... are the cause of all my chaos"

"Huh.... I'll take that as a compliment" Reno chuckled and he gently caressed my back

"Good" I nodded slightly smiling as I kept my head rested on my knees leaning over to him slightly as I watched the flowers move in the very slight evening breeze

"Y/N.... can..... can I ask you something?" Reno asked softly looking at me

I looked up at him and nodded "What about?"

"Uh..... back at Shinra.... you said something about saving me I...... c....can you please tell me what you mean..... I'm confused" he said softly his Aqua orbs gazing into my E/C ones

"I......" I shook my head and sighed "I can't tell you...... you'd know too much"

"Too much of what though? Y/N it's my duty to know what you may be in danger from" Reno said softly again as he continued to caress my back

"I know but...... I don't want you to get hurt" I shook my head

"How would I get hurt?" Reno held me closer to him

"I..... someone.... won't like you being too close to me" I said very softly almost in a whispered mumble

"Who?" Reno asked, desperate for more information

"I can't say..... I really can't I'm sorry" I moved away from Reno slightly

I heard Reno sigh and he took his hand from my back "Then..... why do you care so much about saving me?"

I felt my chest tighten slightly at his question and I dropped my head blushing softly "I..... uh.... because I care about you"

"Well that's a first" he chuckled slightly

"Huh?" I looked up at him my eyebrow raised

"Oh it's nothing... it's just.... people caring about me isn't really a common thing... you know.... being a Turk and all" he sighed looking down at himself

I nodded "But..... they don't know the real you"

Reno looked up at me and he smiled chuckling slightly "I suppose your right... they haven't seen how annoying I can be"

"You're not annoying..... I would call it... playful.... it doesn't help that your a massive flirt either" I chuckled blushing more

"Oh I'm a flirt huh? You probably love that don't ya" he teased winking

I blushed more and nodded my eyes widening as i realised what I had just done

"Ooh... I saw that" Reno smirked and he leant in closer placing a hand on my shoulder

"I..... I.... saw what?" I chuckled nervously taking his hand off my shoulder as I blushed

"You nodded" he smirked

"Pfft! No I didn't" I crossed my arms looking away from the red head still blushing

I took a deep breath but gasped as my jaw was grabbed by Reno as he made me look into his hypnotising aqua orbs, my E/C eyes sparkled and I blushed still

"R....Reno.... I-"

"I like you" he said cutting me off

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped "you-"

"I like, like you" he said leaning his face closer to mine his hand still on my jaw

I gently placed my hand on his wrist my lips parting as I went to speak but he stopped me by gently placing his lips onto mine

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