❷❾ Victorious

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We all got ready for the final, final fight. Cloud stocked up on items from the vending machine while Reno upgraded his staff, I practiced handling my materia more effectively and Aerith prayed silently. I took a deep breath as I looked down at the fire materia in my hands, it glowed brightly reflecting in my E/C eyes. I took a deep breath and slowly closed my eyes

"Channel your anger.... Y/N~"

My eyes opened wide feeling hot breath against the side of my neck as someone nuzzled against it, my breathing quickened as I slowly gripped the fire materia in my shaky hands. My eyes slowly traveled to the side of me which were met with toxic green blue ringed cat eyes.

I gasped as I stumbled away from Sephiroth who was now in full view infront of me, my breathing hitched slightly as I made struggled noises as I very slowly backed away.

"Time..... is not on your side" he smirked as he slowly approached me his fists clenched

My eyes widened and I stumbled back making more struggled noises as I couldn't gather my words.


I didn't acknowledge the voice as I stumbled back more as Sephiroth continued to approach me, I could smell the scent of terror and death over his chest

"Y/N?!" I feel something grab my arm which makes me flinch quickly turning to them

I came face to face with Reno who looked worried gripping my arm slightly tighter as his eyes frantically looked over my face

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow slightly placing a hand over Reno's hand

"A...are you ok?" He asked softly keeping a hold of my arm

I paused for a minute but just nodded folding my arms "I.... I'm fine.... come on.... we should go"

I started to walk out the room hearing Reno sigh behind me, we walked out and down towards the fighting ring. The man at the door clapped for us and wished us luck in the final match, and so we entered the fighting ring one last time.

The match felt like it went on for hours with all four of us beaten and bruised from fighting a house, a house. I groaned slightly as I felt myself getting weak as Cloud slashed at the monster house, I clenched my shaky fists keeping a grip on my sword as sweat dripped from a strand of hair that hung over my face.

I could see that the enemy was near its end as it stumbled back slightly I took a deep breath as I slowly stepped back

"Time to finish this" I said to myself as I gripped my sword even more

I felt my body shake as I started to charge at the house screaming as I jumped high in the air plunging my sword right into the roof and through the house

"Y/N!" Reno yelled worried as he ran towards the enemy surrounding it in electric

I screamed louder as my feet hit the floor cracking the floor beneath me slightly as the house spilt in half and collapsed, I breathed heavily as the crowd was silent and all eyes were on me. I raised an eyebrow looking at everyone even Reno was staring.

Suddenly the crowd started to talk again, whispers being shared between one another as the victory theme played in. I took a deep breath wiping the sweat from my forehead having to sit down on the dusty floor as my legs felt like jelly

"Very good...." I heard Sephiroth whisper which made me tense up

I looked around me rapidly but he was no where to be seen, Reno slowly approached me grabbing my hand tightly.

I looked up at him holding his hand back as I panted trying to her my breath back

"You alright?" He said softly slowly sitting down infront of me

I nodded my head running a hand through my hair "Yeah..... you?"

Reno nodded his head and he gently pulled me into a hug, his arms wrapped around me tight as his hands rested on my back caressing it gently.

I tensed up even more but slowly relaxed in his arms nuzzling into his visible chest, one of his gloved hands made its way to my hair running his finger through it

"You can relax now.... we've won" he said softly a small smile spread across his lips

I nodded squeaking slightly as he picked me up, I wrapped my shaky legs around his waist for support as he stood up nodding at the others who nodded back

We all walked back to the break room Reno still holding me close, as we walked in we were greeted by Madam M who clapped happily a smile across her red lips

"Well done, well done.... so you all did it huh... I'm impressed....... well.... a deal is a deal..... meet me back at the parlour and I'll get the girls dressed up" She smiled

"Will do" Cloud nodded

Madam M nodded and she walked out of the room, we all took a quick break with me staying clung to Reno's waist and eventually we made our way back to the parlour

Once we got there Reno finally put me down giving me a quick little kiss on my cheek smiling to which I blushed kissing his cheek back, Madam M soon came into the room and she nodded looking both me and Aerith up and down

"Ok then girls..... follow me to the back room and I'll get you both sorted, boys... how about you go and explore wall market while your here? Give us some space" She crossed her arms glaring at Reno and Cloud slightly

"How long is this gonna take?" Reno whined slightly sighing as he crosses his arms also

"As long as I need.... now shoo..... if I catch any of you peeking I'll poke your eyes out" Madam M threatened placing a hand on her hip

Cloud nodded slightly looking at Reno who sighed rolling his eyes

Madam M shook her head slightly and turned towards me and Aerith "Come on then ladies..... there's no time to waste"

Aerith nodded slightly and she walked to the back Madam M following behind however I stayed stood on the spot, I looked at Reno feeling the need to just cling to him more. He got the hint and walked to me giving me a tight quick hug he then cupped my face with his hands and leant In for a gentle kiss

"Y/N?!" I heard Madam M yell making me pull away before our lips met

I walked towards the back glancing behind me at Reno before I disappeared into the room for my makeover

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