❻ Shinra

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It was a long and painful journey to the shinra building, Reno and the guards were picked up in a helicopter which was being flown by Rude, the whole time Reno kept me close and would look down at me whenever I made a sound of discomfort

"So.... who is the girl exactly?" Rude asked as him and Reno walked into the shinra building, Reno still holding me close

"Her name is Y/N..... she's a friend of Aerith's.... the prick behind me shot her, she did stab his arm though" Reno sighed

Rude nodded and he looked over his shoulder at me raising an eyebrow slightly "She seems familiar for some reason"

"Huh.... I thought that aswell but.... we see loads of people everyday" Reno replied looking down at me

I fiddled with my fingers nervously focusing my eyes on them not wanting to make eye contact with Reno or Rude scared they were starting to catch on to who I was

"I suppose that is true" Rude nodded and he stepped into an elevator, Reno following

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and everything around me seemed to be so much louder now, even my shaky breaths seemed to echo around me

I started to feel sick and I teared up the lights in the elevator flickering as i sniffled slightly

Reno looked up at the lights "The fuck? This thing better not break down"

"I doubt it will" Rude chuckled his arms crossed

Reno nodded and he looked down at me noticing the tears on my cheeks "Woah.... uh hey....... you're gonna be ok........ we'll get you patched up" he said softly holding me tighter

I sniffled and covered my face with my hands feeling so embarrassed crying infront of them both

Reno sighed softly and he walked out the elevator with Rude once it stopped, they walked down a quiet hall and soon stopped at a door. Rude stepped infront of Reno who held me closer and Rude knocked on the door and then opened it, Reno rushed in and placed me down on a sofa at the side of the room

"Uh Tseng where's the bandages?" Reno asked

Tseng was sat at his desk and he put down his paperwork and looked at Reno and then at me "there's some in the draws"

Reno nodded and he went over to the draws to find the bandages

Tseng kept his eyes on me and he stood up walking over to me, I whimpered slightly as I tried to sit up

"Stay down.... you're not helping the pain by moving so much" he said calmly his hands behind his back

I glared at him recognising him, I've seen him speaking to Aerith a few times and when I would ask who he was she'd just simply say a friend. I sighed and rubbed my face my eyes puffy from crying

Reno soon came over with bandages and he looked at my blood soaked cargo trousers "Uh...... man this is awkward........ c.....could you take your trousers off....... they're covered in blood so it's not really good to wear them while they're like that"

I rolled my eyes and nodded slightly "Give me your jacket"

Reno also nodded and he took off his jacket passing it to me, I placed the jacket over my lap and wrapped it around my waist slightly so I wasn't so exposed. I blushed as I could smell his strong scent from the jacket and I slowly took off my trousers groaning at the pain in my leg

"Rude go get her some fresh trousers" Tseng ordered softly

Rude nodded and he walked out the office

I sighed and eventually got my trousers off, Reno carefully lifted my leg resting it on the arm of the chair as he started to wrap up my wound goosebumps forming on my legs as his hands brushed against them slightly

"Would you like pain killers?" Tseng asked

I looked at him and shook my head "I don't trust any drug in this place"

He nodded and continued to look at me as if he was trying to piece together who I was, Reno soon finished wrapping the wound and he stood up putting the bandages away

"Thanks" I sighed looking at my bandaged leg

"Would you like some water?" Tseng asked to which I just nodded

"On it" Reno nodded and he walked out the office

I sighed and ran a hand through my H/L hair shifting slightly to a more comfortable position

"You look so much like him" Tseng suddenly said

"Huh?" I looked up at Tseng

"Your father...... you can tell your his daughter" he smiled slightly

"O....oh right.... he was a Turk while you were here?"

Tseng nodded and he sat back down at his desk

"He talked a lot about you.... used to boast how you'd you'd be just as powerful as him, he was a very good man"

"H.... how did you know I was his daughter though? There's probably many other girls called Y/N with the same colour hair and eyes as me"

He sighed slightly but smiled "Aerith has told me all about you...... she knew I would know your father"

"O....oh right.... D.....do you know what happened to him..... and my Mother?" I teared up slightly as I still missed them dearly and I sat up slightly

Tseng sighed and he leant over in his chair placing his arms on his desk "The last time I saw him....., he was being dragged into Hojo's lab...... but your mother.... I didn't see her that day"

"H....Hojo? Who's Hojo?" I held my tears back

"He's one of the worst people in this building, he's insane...... he's a scientist that likes to experiment on different species and powerful people........ he had an eye for your father......... and I'll tell you this........... your father didn't always have the powers he had"

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