❹⓪ The fall of the angel

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I gasped as Sephiroth charged at me swiftly pulling out my sword from my back blocking his attack, his long blade collided with mine sparks flying at the friction as we both pushed against eachother. The war hero smirked slightly as I made a struggled grunt keeping my ground as I managed to push him back slashing my sword at him which he effortlessly blocked, I growled as I gripped my sword with both hands now continuously slashing at Sephiroth but every attempt was blocked

"Y/N!!" I heard Aerith cry still being held back by Cloud

I foolishly turned my head to look at her only to be swept off my feet by Sephiroth's wing my back hitting the hard ground, I quickly stood up backing up as I held my sword up to Sephiroth

"Cloud! Get Aerith and Reno out of here!!" I yelled keeping my focus on Sephiroth infront of me who slowly approached dragging the tip of his blade along the floor

Cloud hesitated but he nodded keeping his hold on Aerith as he then slung Reno over his shoulder who had been knocked unconscious by Sephiroth's wing, I sighed softly as Aerith screamed being dragged away by Cloud. I looked up at Sephiroth as he still continued to approach taking a step back before I then ran at him jumping as I held my sword up in the air slashing down at him, however, once again my attack was blocked by his blade causing me to fly back my back hitting a train cart causing me to gasp for air at the agonising pain

"How pathetic" Sephiroth sighed shaking his head as he looked over at me

I groaned slightly as I slowly stood up rubbing my back which was now sore and scraped, I picked up my sword up which I had dropped on impact gripping it's handle tightly as I growled. I looked down at my hands slowly clenching my free one looking over at Sephiroth who watched me from a distance, I took a deep breath as I started to walk over to him looking at the materia slots in my sword. I smirked slightly to myself looking back at Sephiroth as I swiftly approached him, the older man slashed his blade at me as I made it back to himI deflecting his attack. As he continued to slash his blade towards me I jumped up high once again but this time I ghee a ball of Thunderage materia at him which caused him to stumble back slightly giving me the perfect opportunity to then slash down at him to which I did, my sword landed to his shoulder creating a huge gash along it. Sephiroth's eyes widened as he looked at his wound shoving me back as he then threw firage materia towards me to which I barely dodged, my breathing was heavy as I looked over at Sephiroth who gripped onto his shoulder

"What have you done with my mother?!!" I growled over at him

Sephiroth's eyes met mine and he chuckled slightly dropping his hand from his wound which bled but didn't seem to faze him for long

"She returned to the planet long ago.... aswell as your father" Sephiroth snarled slowly starting to make his way over to me

"You knew my father.... right?" I snarled back backing away as I held my sword up to him

"Very much so.... he had potential.... but instead let himself go to waste" Sephiroth smirked slightly as I held my sword up his blade once again dragging along the floor at his side as he continued to approach me

"I..... he did not! He just wanted to be better" I snarled keeping my sword held up as I continued to back away

"He was hungry for power...... like many of us.... but he couldn't handle that power" Sephiroth smirked shaking his head as he looked at the blade held up to him

"W....what are you talking about?!" I growled backing up quicker my breaths panicked

"He was weak...... his death was a benefit to the planet...... one less useless thing breathing in her air" Sephiroth snarled starting to march towards me faster

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