❸❽ My Lover

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Her soulless eyes slowly met mine as she floated down closer to all of us making us take a step back, she held a blistering cold aura around her causing us all to shiver wrapping our arms around ourselves. Tears slowly glossed over my eyes as she maintained eye contact looking like she wanted to tell me a thousand words but instead stayed silent, I felt Reno slowly grab my hand causing me to break eye contact with the spirit causing her to let out a high pitched screech. All four of us groaned covering our ears as we took struggled steps back, I gasped looking up at the woman who weeped quickly flying out of the building showing us the exit as she did.

"Shit.... who was that?" Reno groaned rubbing his temple as the screech rang in his ears

"A grieving mother, she's lost her baby" Aerith said softly holding her hands together as she then looked over at me

My eyes widened slightly as Aerith looked at me confirming my suspicions on who the woman was, tears swelled up In my eyes once again as I looked around us shoving my hands in the pockets of my sweatpants as I clenched my fists which shook

"Y/N.... you ok?" Reno said softly as he noticed me tense up and he placed a hand on my shoulder

I looked at him shrugging his hand off my shoulder as I just nodded quickly making my way to the exit as everyone then followed, concerned about my behaviour. Even Cloud. We met some more ghouls on the way out but this time we easily beat them swiftly making our way to the exit. We walked out of the abandoned train station met by more lifeless trains blocking our path, I was starting to get tired and so was everyone else

"How about we take a quick break, Yeah?" Aerith said softly smiling as she looked at the three of us noticing our sluggishness

I sighed softly looking down at the hour glass around my neck the sand still falling, I shook my head running a hand through my hair "No... we gotta keep going"

"Come on, it's only a quick break" Aerith said softly gently grabbing my hand

"You need one" Cloud said softly nodding at me

I sighed pinching the skin on the bridge of my nose "fine"

Aerith nodded and she smiled softly as she gently held my hand tighter pulling me over to one of the train carts as Reno and Cloud followed behind talking quietly amongst themselves, Aerith giggled slightly as she stepped up into the cart. The train cart was surprisingly in perfect shape expect for the few cracks in the windows, I sighed softly as I looked up at the dim lights that lit the cart as I then slowly took a seat rubbing my face. Aerith tilted her head slightly at me as she then took a seat next to me placing her hands in her lap

"It's her...... isn't it" Aerith said softly looking down at her hands

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow looking at Aerith as she then raised her head looking at me

"That was your mother" She said softer smiling warmly as she placed a hand over mine which I hand rested at my side

"I.... don't know what you're talking about" I said softly looking away

"Y/N.... it's ok to be upset about this" Aerith said softly as she gently caressed my hand

I didn't say anything only sighing softly as I felt tears build up in the sockets of my eyes

"Maybe this wasn't real...... the ghouls could be playing games with you but..... if it is....... then.... Sephiroth is leading you into a trap" Aerith said softly gently holding my hand

My eyes widened slightly and I looked at Aerith, I then looked down at the hour glass around my neck shaking my head as I pulled my hand away from Aerith "it's not real.... she's alive..... you should rest"

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