❶❺ Dreaming

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It had been at least a couple of hours now since I had been caught, I was still sat in this cell all alone. Hojo had came back from his meeting but quickly went to take care of his other experiments, I sighed loudly laying on the floor my legs slightly numb from sitting in the stupid stool that I had kicked over

My mind was full, how long will I be here? What experiments is he going to preform? And has that bastard ever taken a shower? These were only a slight glimpse of the questions my mind wanted answered, my stomach cramped slightly as it ached for food not making this situation any better. I gently brought my hand to my stomach seeing the needle marks on my arms from where he had took some of my blood

The lab around me was quiet, there was the occasional noise from an experiment near by but apart from that it was complete silence. Silence was normally a relaxing sensation to most people but, the silence here filled me with fear not knowing what could come out of it

I fought with my heavy eyes to stay awake as I was worried what might happen if I let myself fall alseep, I wouldn't put it past the scientist to not experiment on my unconscious body so staying awake was the safest option however, I did let my eyes rest closing them slowly

I relaxed my muscles and breathed softly as I slowly fell into the void of the darkness of my eyelids, a faint light shone over me and I sat up feeling like I was floating

"You're such a strong girl" I heard a familiar voice say, the soft but husky voice of my presumed deceased father

"Huh?" I looked around me a room revealing itself, I remembered this room as my childhood one my father sat in a rocking chair in the corner reading a fairytale book

"Me and your mother are so proud of the woman you are growing to be" he smiled and gently placed his book to the side standing up and fixing his red tie, one he wore with his Turk suit for work

"Y....you and..... I'm confused..... where am I?" I said in slight panic

"Don't panic little one..... this is merely a dream but...... that doesn't mean it's not real......" my father said softly gently placing a hand ontop of my head running his hand through my H/C locks

I opened my mouth not knowing what to say looking up at my father with glassy eyes

"Don't cry little one... everything is ok" he said softly once again

I shook my head and stood up "What happened?!" I snapped

He stepped back slightly his expression dropping slightly "I-" he started but I interrupted

"What is this Hojo bastard talking about?!" I raised my voice more clenching my fists as I looked up at my father who sighed

"Sit down" he said softly

I crossed my arms and slowly sat down on the bed my father sitting besides me

"It's all my fault" he started softly "I was power hungry...... but I was blind until it was too late"

I nodded slightly my arms crossed

"I....... I was going to become a SOLIDER..... since I was a kid I wanted to be one........ but..... plans changed....." he sighed softly "after.... I bathed in mako I...... I felt disappointed...... I didn't...... feel the power I was promised" he looked down at his hands and slowly clenched them

I scoffed slightly "ofcourse you didn't..... you really think Shinra will hand out power like that? They always wanna be the ones on top while you run around for them"

My father nodded and he let his hands fall to the sides of him "I guess you're right..... but...... I was too brainwashed to see that"

I nodded and placed a hand over my fathers gently swinging my legs "So..... what else happened? Why didn't you become a SOLIDER?"

"I was an idiot........ I fell out with most of the first classes..... I believed I was better than all of them and made sure they knew that" my father sighed

"O....oh" I nodded and placed my hands in my lap

"And..... one day I just..... something in me went wrong....... I.... went to Hojo..... a professor at Shinra and ordered him to inject me with anything he had........ I wanted to feel like a god"

I looked at my father is disbelief not being able to see my father commit these actions, to me he was kind and caring man who would do anything for those he loved. I shook my head slightly

"That wasn't you" I said softly

"Huh?" My father looked at me tilting his head slightly to which I looked up at him

"That was Shinra..... they made you that way" I sad slightly louder clenching my fists "What happened? What happened after Hojo injected you?" I said eagerly looking for more answers now

"I..... felt awful.... for days I had a very bad fever..... a....and I was throwing up anything that touched my tongue..... things around me... started to act weird....... light bulbs would burst if I screamed or cried, the water in my cup would spill out without the cup tipping if I got angry............ all these elements around me seemed to...... bend at the will of my emotions"

My eyes widened and I looked down at my hands remembering when the lights burst when Tseng grabbed me earlier "I...... I....."

"It's ok" my father said softly "you don't need to explain.... I know" he nodded

"You- what?" I said softly tearing up

"Since the day your mother fell pregnant I just..... knew you had taken some power from me...... and Hojo knew too......"

I nodded as I rubbed my eyes

"There was...... someone in the first class rank... a war hero if you will...... he....... knew something was off with me.... I don't know how he knew but..... I would always catch him looking at me...... and I even had dreams with him in them........ but one day I just snapped........ he was tormenting me I could feel it so....... I challenged him........ I lost miserably and was kicked from behind a solider and that's how I then became a Turk"

"Wait...... you saw him.... in your dreams?" My eyes widened and I looked at my father who just nodded

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes "w.....what was his name?"

I heard my father take a deep breath and he moved slightly placing his hands in his lap


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