❸❼ Ghost Busters

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My eyes widened as I looked up at the large train station in front of us which casted a dark shadow down over the train grave yard. It's rusted entrance creaked slightly as the wind picked up sending a shiver down my spine, Cloud and Reno who has eventually stood besides me and Aerith also now looked up at the beast of a building

"What is this?" Reno said softly his eyebrow raised

"The old train station" Aerith said softly

Reno nodded and he scratched the back of his head "I dunno man I have a bad feeling about this"

"We're to far in to turn tail" Cloud said crossing his arms his eyes still fixed on the building

"And what other way do we have out of this place anyway?" I sighed softly

"I..... just..... are we sure this is the right place?" Reno said softly slight nervousness in his voice

As Reno said that giggling echoed around us like before and glowing arrows with the word 'this way' above it slowly formed on the rusted entrance, we all looked around but there was still seemingly no one there. I looked back at the rusted door looking up at the writing

"Does this answer your question?"

Reno looked over at me and his eyes widened and he shook his head "No fuck that man"

I sighed shaking my head as I sighed stepping back slightly as the door shifted raising my eyebrow, I stepped back slightly again as the door shifted once again and then slowly opened the sound of the rusted metal scraping in its hinges mixed with the same giggles

"What the hell is this shit?!" Reno growled

"Stay calm.... we'll find out" Cloud said softly looking at Reno before walking up to the now open doors

I nodded and took a deep breath looking over my shoulder at Reno holding a hand out to him, he raised an eyebrow looking at my hand and then at me to which I just nodded slightly. Reno hesitated slightly but he slowly held my hand and I held his back

"Let's go" I said softly as I then walked into the abandon train station dragging Reno behind me slightly

The inside of the train station was the same as the outside, cold and eerie giving me chills down my body as I continued to walk through the building Cloud and Aerith following behind me and Reno who I dragged along. I continued to walk keeping my guard up as I glanced over into the dirty windows of the trains swearing I saw faces from them in the corner of my eyes

I stopped in my tracks as giggling echoed us again my eyes widening as I saw some sort of glitter float over behind a train piece, before I could take a step forward Aerith rub infront of us all turning back and placing a finger to her lips. I raised an eyebrow but nodded slowly following the young Cetra who slowly poked her head around the corner the sparkles had hidden to

"Hey..... can we talk.... just for a bit?" Aerith said softly as she crouched down slightly placing her hands on her knees as she then took a step back as a ghostly looking little boy walked out from the corner

Me, Cloud and Reno all gasped slightly taking a step back our eyes wide as we watch the little boy look up at as and tilt his head, he then slowly pointed up at me looking at Aerith

"She seems.... familiar...." Aerith said softly and she looked at me

"I.... m...me?" I said softly looking at the boy and then at Aerith

The boy nodded and he slowly smiled as he then opened his arms up to the sky and he slowly lifted from the ground, the three of us took another step back as Aerith stood fearless besides the boy. The boy levitated higher as he then spun turning into a Ghoul

"Look out!" Cloud yelled as he pulled his sword from his back running to Aerith blocking the ghoul's attack with his sword

"Holy shit!" Reno's eyes widened and he pulled out his electric rod standing infront of me

My eyes also widened as I watched Cloud push back the ghoul as Aerith then hit it with some simple magic from her staff, the ghoul let out a shriek as two other ghouls then appeared besides it giggling at us as they flew around our heads

I growled slightly as I tried to hit them with my sword and Reno tried to hit them with his electric however, nothing seemed to be working, even Cloud and Aerith were struggling. I let out a frustrated sigh as I blocked a Ghoul's claws from my face still not being able to damage them

"These fuckers won't quit huh?" Reno snarled as he flash stepped towards one of the Ghouls pushing it back

"Well neither will we!" Aerith said with great enthusiasm holding her staff in the air as she summoned a healing wind that healed the four of us

I nodded and took a deep breath embracing the wind that gave me a slight energy boost, I held my sword tight infront of my slicing at one of the ghouls blocking its attack it retaliated with. As the four of us continued to fight the lights around us started to flicker, a freezing wind blew through the building as the ghouls then stopped attacking us looking up

I looked up with them my eyes widened as I noticed a woman floating up above us, she was very ghostly like the boy we had encountered and she held her hands out to the ghouls who flew up towards her. She wrapped her arms around the ghouls giving them a gentle hug as they then slowly vanished, the woman then took a deep breath looking down at the four of us as we all looked up at her now. Something.... seemed familiar about this ghostly figure, her hair...... the clothing she wore..... even how gentle she was with those ghouls.

She reminded me of my mother.

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