❶❹ Where he once stood

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I cried as I kicked and struggled trying to get away from the guards the wound on my leg rubbing against the bandages making it bleed again

"Quit squirming!" One of the guards yelled

I whimpered slightly as one of them pointed a gun at me making me cower and raise my hands slightly

"Now, now gentlemen is that really anyway to treat such a beautiful lady?"

My eyes widened at the voice, the guards turned to look where the voice had come from shoving me to face that direction also

And there he stood, the man that I saw holding a gun to my Father's head. He was way more ugly up close and he had a shit eating grin on his face that made me want to be sick

"Pass her over" the man snarled holding a hand out

The guards pulled me back slightly "We will not obey that order, Vice President wants her"

"Oh? Does he now?" The man growled

"Yessir" one of the guards nodded still keeping me back

"He's soft... he'll just let her go" The man mumble not so quietly to himself and then he stepped closer to one of the guards smirking "Give her to me.... or things will get messy"

One of the guards scoffed slightly while another chuckled slightly "Were not scared of you"

"Oh maybe not of me but....." The black haired man trailed off smirking as a deep growl came from the door behind him

The guards all cowered back slightly the door then moved slightly as something ran at it causing the guards to let go of me running away like cowards as I fell to the floor my wounded leg unable to support my weight

The man laughed loudly and he knelt down infront of me smirking as he ran a hand through my hair "Hello my dear...... it's a pleasure to finally meet you"

I growled and backed away slightly groaning at the pain in my leg

"Don't struggle, now" The man stood up properly and he scooped me up

I teared up and tried to wiggle out of the mans hold but it was no use, he laughed loudly in my ear as he carried me into some sort of lab, there was cages and chemicals of all types around the room which made me curl up scared of what he wanted with me

I felt so pathetic and useless as I couldn't fight my way away from his grasp to the point I just completely gave up trying, I sighed as he chuckled setting me down on the floor

I looked around me and noticed I was in a large tube shaped holding cell, I quickly stood up forgetting about my wounded leg which made me yelp once the pain got to me

"Do be careful..... I don't want such great power to go to waste" he smirked and pressed a button on the side of the cell a screen similar to the ones around me closing me in

I growled and ran up to the screen punching it, I teared up as my knuckles stung from the impact and I glared
at the man who watched with amusement

"Oh? So now you've decided to use your strength..... You're just like him standing where he stood five years on" The man smirked walking up to the screen his hands on the glass

I growled punching the screen again the lights flickering above us "Who are you?!" I screamed

"Oh me? I'm Hojo my dear...... and your a priceless gem that your father kept away from me" He smirked pressing his face up against the glass slightly

I growled and stepped back slightly sitting down on the stool in the cell, keeping my mouth shut as I glared at the scientist

"It was so hard seeing his blood pool around my feet" Hojo chuckled

I gasped slightly and teared up clenching my fists

"That's right...... that's where your father is... I helped him return to the planet" Hojo smirked pressing his face against the screen more

I teared up more feeling anger boil up inside of me, I clenched my fists harder then lights bursting above us making me jump slightly

The scientist smirked looking up at the lights crossing his arms "You see my dear...... you're not just a normal girl..... you have a power within you.... one maybe even more powerful than the ancients" he looked at me still smirking "And it's all thanks to you Father....... he wanted to be stronger...... so I helped him... though I may have given him a bit more than just strength"

I stood up growling "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Well you see....... those lights up there bursting.... you did that" He smirked again

"I..... that's bullshit" I snarled

"Oh.... but is it?" Hojo smirked and he rolled over a old looking tv that was on a wheeled cart infront of the cell, he pressed a button turning it on and then he walked over to where he kept his files. I watched him scan the boxes with his eyes his smirk slowly fading

"Oh very clever" he glared over at me walking up to the cell "You think I wouldn't notice huh?"

I raised an eyebrow crossing my arms "What the hell are you on about now?"

"Your Father's file.... where is it?" He growled

I smirked slightly and shrugged sitting back down on the stool "Oh... I don't know"

Hojo growled again "Listen here you little-" Hojo was interrupted by his phone and he mumbled to himself as he put the phone to his ear

I chuckled slightly and shook my head calming down my tears drying against my cheeks as I took quiet deep breaths

"Yes..... yes I'll be there now" Hojo growled slightly ending the call

"Got somewhere to be?" I smirked

"Seems so" he sighed glaring at me slightly, he looked over at the door out and then back at me again "don't go anywhere"

"Oh yeah because I could really get lost in this absolutely massive cage" I said sarcastically snarling

He smirked and nodded slightly before walking out the room

I sighed in slight relief but growled kicking the stool over besides me

"Prick" I mumbled in annoyance slumping to the floor in my now new home.

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