❾ Cheater

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"Woah! Holy shit man!" Reno stumbled back as the lights blew out and he growled looking over at me "Tseng! What are you doing?!"

I was crying softly as I shook the hand on my arm slowly released me, I looked up and saw Tseng I snarled slightly wiping my tears

"What are you two doing out?" He asked calmly placing his hands behind his back

"We were gonna go do some training before you gave us a fucking heart attack!" Reno snarled and he walked to me placing a hand on my shoulder

"The building is on lockdown" Tseng said softly and he looked down at me and wiped my tears with his thumb

"We know! But no one is gonna be around so it's safe for Y/N" Reno sighed and he crossed his arms

Tseng ignored Reno and he carefully knelt down to my height and wiped more of my tears "I'm sorry to have scared you, that wasn't my intention"

I just sniffled looking into his eyes they were soft and gentle as they gazed into my ones, I sighed and looked away

"I'm fine" I said plainly swatting his hand away from my face

Tseng sighed and he stood up properly "Be careful" he nodded

"The lady is safe with me" Reno smirked slightly and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder

Tseng nodded and he placed his hands behind his back looking up at the lights, he nodded slightly and then looked at me before walking back to his office

I snarled slightly and pushed Reno's arm off my shoulder walking infront

"Hey! Wait up!" Reno caught up with me "ignore that asshole.... we're gonna have a great time, of me kicking your ass!" Reno laughed

I shook my head and shoved him slightly as I continued to walk

We eventually got to the training area, Reno opened the door and he walked in me following after

"Alright so.... how do you wanna do this princess?" Reno placed his hands on his hips

I rolled my eyes at the nickname and crossed my arms "Don't care"

Reno chuckled and he shook his head "Hand to hand combat it is!"

I nod "alright then, your on"

Reno nodded and he smirked "Ladies first"

I chuckled and shook my head, I took a few steps back and then charged at Reno I swung my fits at his cheek but he grabbed my wrist and kneed me in the gut making me curl up slightly and groan, he chuckled and shoved me away

"You bitch!" I growled

"Hey! That's my line!" Reno laughed and he smirked as he walked towards me

I quickly backed away and kicked him in the shins causing him to lose balance slightly, I then punched him square in the jaw causing him to groan and grab the area I had punched

"Oh.... so you're gonna play rough huh?" Reno snarled and he stood up properly and he turned his back to me and he slowly walked to the other side of the room

I raised an eyebrow as I watched him, I didn't move from my position my eyes fixed on him. Reno turned and faced me and chuckled his high pitched chuckle as he quickly started to walk towards me eventually jogging, he jumped high and pulled out his electric rod

"Holy shit" I gasped and quickly grabbed my daggers from my belt, I dodged his attack and then grabbed him by the arm throwing him over to a wall

He groaned as his back hit the wall making him drop his electric rod, I smirked and chuckled running up to him and pinning one of his hands to the wall as I put a dagger to his throat

"Aww look..... you cheated and you still lost" I chuckled bringing the dagger closer

Reno tried his best to back himself away from the knife "Woah! Man c'mon I'm only messing around!"

"Hmm oh really?" I shook my head and chuckled slowly taking the dagger away from his neck

I opened my mouth to talk but I was grabbed by my hand and pinned against the wall by it, I looked up at Reno his aqua eyes were fixed on mine which made me blush

"Drop the daggers" Reno said in a raspy tone

My eyes widened and my heart rate sped up and I hesitated but I slowly let go of the daggers making them crash to the floor

Reno looked down at the daggers and he smirked "Good"

I nodded not taking my eyes off of him once which just made me blush even more when he once again returned the gaze 

"You win this one" he smirked and leant his face in closer "but next time..... I won't go so easy"

I scoffed slightly "That was you going easy? Oh please.... you just don't want to admit you lost to a pretty little princess like me" I smirked

He blushed and pouted slightly looking away which made me chuckle softly poking his cheek

"Aww little baby Reno" I laughed which made him growl and glare at me

My E/C eyes sparkled as they were mesmerised by Reno's aqua orbs and I blushed softly as his scent was strong, I hesitated but lightly kissed his cheek which made him blush heavily and step back from me

I chuckled and also blushed shaking my head as I gave him a pat on the back "You'll get me next time"

Reno nodded and he still blushed clearing his throat as he straightened himself up and picking his rod up holding it over his shoulder

"We should uh.... probably head back to my room..... before some assholes catch us"

I nodded and chuckled seeing the still furious blush on his cheeks

"Alright then Mr blushy, lead the way!" I chuckled picking up my daggers

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