❷❷ Not his time

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I held the hour glass tight in my fist as I stepped back from the feather starting to hyperventilate, my hands shook and I gasped slightly as a similar black cloak flew past me and over to Reno.

"H...hey! don't touch him!" I screamed my breathing still fast as I ran over to Reno collapsing to my knees at his side tears starting to well up in my eyes as I looked at his pale lifeless face

I felt a shiver run up my back as a swarm of the mysterious black cloaked creatures started to circle me and Reno, I sniffled and gently pulled Reno close his freshly spilt blood getting on my hands. The creatures continued to circle us and soon one broke out from the group coming close to me

"W...what are you?!" I stuttered shuffling back slightly still keeping Reno close

The black cloak didn't say a word as it came closer, I flinched slightly as it made a quick move making me close my eyes a tear running down my cheek. I took a deep breath and slowly opened my eyes gasping at the sight before me.

The black cloak was hovering right over Reno's corpse as I held it tightly, I screamed and shoved the cloak back but it just went back to Reno. My breathing was still fast and my sobs ugly as I tried to fight the cloak back the strength I used on Sephiroth seemingly gone.

I choked on my tears slightly as I gripped onto Reno's bloody blazer the cloak slowly moving itself from Reno's body, tears stained my cheeks as I didn't even dare look down at my dead lover.

After a few long seconds I heard a gasp and loud coughing coming form below me and I felt Reno's body jerk in my hands, I slowly looked down my eyes widening as they met Reno's vibrant aqua ones

"W.....what did I miss?" Reno coughed a hand over his stomach where the wound once was

"R....Reno?!!" A smile was brought to my face but the tears kept falling as I hugged Reno tight carefully sobbing into his chest as I gripped the back of his blazer "I....I thought I had lost you"

"I....... I'm sorry" Reno said softly placing a hand on the back of my head as he held me closer wrapping his other arm around my body as he let me cry

I shook my head continuing to cry and I slowly laid down in Reno's arms my body shaking as I finally let everything that had just happened overwhelm me

"I.....I'm here...... I promise" Reno said softly his breathing slightly raspy as he played with my H/C hair trying his best to comfort me

"I.....I know...... I know" I nodded as I sniffled tears still drenching my cheeks as I stayed close to the older man my heart beating loudly in my chest as I kept close to him

"W.....what happened?" Reno said softly sitting up slightly as he kept my close his Aqua eyes scanning the familiar area around him

"Well...... a lot I..... what do you remember?" I said softly back caressing where his wound once was curling up against the side of his body

"I....... remember Sephiroth..... he grabbed me by the shirt and" Reno's eyes widened as he started to panic gasping as he looked down where the wound was

"Hey, hey it's gone......it's gone...... they saved you" I pointed at the black cloaks that hovered just a few feet away from us continuing to caress his stomach

"Huh?" Reno tilted his head and he looked at me and then at the black cloaks and he slowly nodded over at them "T.....thanks, Yo"

The cloaks made a small motion as if nodding and then they flew off leaving us in the now once again peaceful garden

I sighed softly sniffling as I rubbed my wet eyes the cold metal of the necklace I wore brushing against my arms

"Y/N Y-"

"-We need to get inside" I cut Reno off slowly slipping my hands underneath his body picking him up effortlessly as I stood

I heard him sigh as he rested his head against my chest, I nodded slightly to myself placing a hand on the back of Reno's head as I quickly carried him towards the house


I froze as I heard the voice slowly turning around to see Cloud and Aerith walking up the path towards the house empty flower baskets in hand

"Uh..... hey" I forced a smile waving still carrying Reno

"What's up with him?" Cloud suddenly asked in a cold tone his glare set on Reno as he crossed his arms

"I...... he's just tired" I said coldly back quickly facing my back to the florist and mercenary

"Right..." Aerith said softly looking at the Ex-solider and then at my back nodding

I nodded also and just made my way into the house without another word, Cloud and Aerith followed in behind me

"There you all are" Elmyra rushed in from the kitchen hands on her hips

"Sorry we took so long.... Mr popular over here had some extra jobs he needed to do" Aerith giggled as she pointed her thumb at Cloud

Elmyra looked at Cloud and she nodded slightly "Well dinner is ready.... in case your wondering" she said softly sitting down at the table

"Ah great! we're starving" Aerith nodded and she rubbed her stomach slightly as she smiled softly walking over to a set of draws that she placed her empty flower basket upon, she then looked over at the mercenary "Right Cloud?"

The blonde didn't say anything as he stared down at his feet his arms crossed, Aerith raised an eyebrow as she looked at Cloud

"H...Huh?" Cloud blinked quickly looking at the florist

Aerith sighed softly and she shook her head smiling over at her mother who was still sat at the dining table, her arms crossed as she smiled slightly back at Aerith.

"I won't be needing dinner" I suddenly said which made everyone look at me even Reno

"Why not? You can't skip dinner you'll go hungry" Elmyra said softly her motherly instincts kicking in

"I'll be fine.... I'm not a kid" I said walking upstairs to the room I was saying in

I sighed softly shutting the door behind me with my foot, gently placing Reno down on the bed. I then slipped my shoes off and went around the room shutting all the windows and curtains mumbling nonsense to myself


I didn't even acknowledge the voice as I looked down at the hour glass necklace the sand still slowly falling the last words Sephiroth spoke playing over and over in my head- 'The time you have...,,, to find your mother before I do'


I blinked quickly as I was brought back to reality looking over at a worried Reno

"What?" I sighed

Reno sat up and he opened his arms to which I shook my head waving a hand infront of his face but as I turned around he grabbed me by my waist pulling me onto his lap my legs either side of his as I knelt blushing heavily

"Reno!" I scolded the man frowning as I crossed my arms

"Hey.... I almost died...... let me have this, yo!" Reno sighed looking me up and down

"H.....have what?" I said softly my arms still crossed as I glared at the older man


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