❶❶ Mutt

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I dropped the file onto the table just staring at it, Tseng was right. My father has been dragged down here but for what?

I still stared at the folder hesitant to pick it back up, I reached a hand out when suddenly I heard a deep growl from behind me I froze. I could feel eyes on the back of my head as the thing growled again, I quickly grabbed my daggers and turned around to come face to face with a Shinra mutt however, this one was much larger than any other and it was covered with blue scales and large black tentacles came off it

"Holy shit!" I stumbled back slightly holding the daggers up to it "So you're the thing that got out huh?"

The dog just growled stepping closer with a heavy foot water dripping from it's scales

"Is this some super Shinra mutt or some shit?" I said to myself stepping slightly closer

The dog growled and barked leaning down as it got ready to pounce, my eyes widened and I dodge it as it pounced causing me to stumble to the floor

I ran over to a pillar and quickly hid behind it keeping my daggers close, I could hear the loud sniffing of the dog as it walked around the lab. Once it's back was turned to me I ran over to it and started to stab it, the poison Materia in them working as it should, the dog yelped slightly as it became staggered kneeling
to the ground, I had a bracelet on me that had some materia so I decided to shoot some fire materia at it which did a fair bit of damage

The dog growled as it stood up suddenly and it pounced on me causing me to fall to the floor as the dog tried to rip my head off, I groaned slightly as I managed to reach my dagger down by the mutts stomach and I stabbed it deep poisoning the dog once again

The dog yelped and it jumped off of me, I quickly stood up and ran to it jumping onto it back stabbing it once again with both of my daggers opening up its back. The dog yelped and eventually fell defeated I chuckled slightly to myself and got off the dog taking some deep breaths

"Man..... that got me sweating" I wiped the sweat from my forehead and put my daggers back

I then quickly walked back over to the box and picked it up, I then made a run for it back up to Reno's room. Once I got back to Reno's room and hid the box under his bed and then took off my mask shoving it back into my pocket, I took a deep breath and looked at my hands which were shaking slightly

"Oh Y/N~ what have you done~?" The menacing voice came back again whispering in my ear, I clenched my fists waiting to hear it again but... I didn't

I looked around me and ofcourse nothing was there, I sighed softly and carefully sat on Reno's floor leaning against one of the tall windows looking out of it at the city of Midgar below

I shivered slightly and grabbed the blanket Reno had given me earlier curling up by the window, the blanket was warm and it held Reno's scent which I didn't mind. I sighed softly and closed my eyes as they were getting heavy

I curled up more the silence of the room filling my ears as I started to doze off but soon I jumped awake slightly as I heard a door open, I sat up and saw Reno walking into the room looking just as exhausted as me

"Oh hey, Y/N... sorry I took so long" Reno scratched his chest and he yawned

I shook my head and smiled slightly "it's ok"

Reno nodded and he smiled and he kicked his shoes off collapsing onto his bed as he sighed "Man..... what a day"

I nodded slightly looking at Reno and then under his bed where the box hid sighing softly as I curled up more

"You're allowed to lay on my bed, you know that right?" Reno said sitting up as he looked at me

"I know" I said softly nodding

Reno also nodded and he stood up and walked to me gently picking me up like a bride which made me blush slightly too tired to protest, Reno smiled softly and he gently tucked me into the covers of his bed running his finger over the delicate petals of the flower that was still in my hair

"It's been a rough day for you... get some rest" he said softly to which I nodded slightly cuddling up into the covers

Reno smiled softly and he went to the bathroom to have a quick shower, I smiled softly and slowly closed my eyes falling asleep to the faint sounds of the shower running.

Darkness. That's all I could see as my legs seemed to take me through it, my body felt heavy but my head light. Is this a dream? It must be


That familiar voice, it was close too close.

"Falling in love with you will be the leading fate to his demise" the voice echoed around me in the darkness

My throat was tight and my breaths raspy as I opened my mouth to talk, I looked around in the darkness and soon saw a spot light I ran to it my breathing becoming more clear now. I stood in the spot light and felt a warm and soft touch against my cheek I looked up to see Reno gazing down at me with a hand on my cheek he was smiling softly

"I lov-"

His sentence was cut off as a long blade was stabbed through his chest, my eyes widened as his hand fell from my cheek and he collapsed to my feet as the blade was pulled out to reveal the same man I saw in the hallway who charged at me with the bloody blade that was used to stab Reno in his hands

I whimpered and stumbled back as he started to walk towards me the blade put away now as he smirked

"Don't be scared" he said in a menacing tone as he walked faster

"W...who are you?! What is all of this?!" I cried out my back hitting an invisible barrier

"This-" he started grabbing my neck as he glared right into my eyes "is the future, your future"

I gasped and clenched my fists looking over at Reno who lay lifeless on the floor "What have you done to him?!"

"Gotten rid of the distraction... you need to focus on me... don't ignore me.... don't deny me" he smiled slightly his cat like eyes glowing

"What do you mean?!" I teared up my breathing shaky as he tightened his grip on my neck

"The time will come when you will understand but for now I must let destiny take it's course" he said softly and as if he wasn't even there in the first place he disappeared leaving me in complete darkness again

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