❷❶ Hour glass

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My eyes widened as I broke down into tears screaming into the older man's face, my reaction seemed to bring a smirk to Sephiroth's face as he slowly stood up holding a hand down to me

"Come, Y/N" he said deeply his green eyes fixed on me

I looked up at Sephiroth and then over at Reno coughing as I choked on my tears quickly crawling over to Reno's pale limp body

"Reno!!" I screamed reaching an arm out to him

I gasped as I felt a hand grip onto the back of my head by my hair yanking me down onto my back, a long sword was swiftly placed against my soft neck making me place my hands up slightly in surrender as tears streamed down my cheeks.

I saw Sephiroth stand at the side of me a smirk still plastered on his face as he slowly slid the blade across my neck breaking the tiniest bit of skin, making me hiss as the cut stung in the cold Midgar air.

"Give in to me, Y/N" Sephiroth said deeply placing a foot on my ribs which made me groan in discomfort

"N.....never...." I said through struggled sobs brining both of my hands to my sides as I slowly clenched them

"Hmm.... you will learn through pain... to listen to me" Sephiroth snarled but he still smirked as he slowly pushed his foot down onto my ribs his sword still just against my bleeding neck

I gasped slightly feeling the pressure of his foot on my ribs trying to wiggle out under his foot lifting my head as he shoved his sword more against my neck, I looked down at the sword a slight spot of my blood against its blade.

"There is no room in this world for foolish errors, your power must be used for a use. You will use your power along side mine or you will meet a gruesome death..... much like your lovers" Sephiroth said In his usual deep tone looking over at Reno seemingly dead on the floor

"Y.....your a monster" I spat clenching my fists harder as they shook

Sephiroth quickly whipped his head around to look at me a face so cold seemed hurt by those words, he slowly put even more pressure down onto my ribs to the point I could feel them cracking slightly infer his foot. I clenched my fists harder my vision starting to go static as a tingling sensation ran throughout the body

"You're a freak!" I screamed up at Sephiroth as I still sobbed

Sephiroth snarled and he stamped on my rib a crunching sound filled in my ears as I screamed in pain my throat sore

Particles of what seemed to be light floated into my hands as I screamed louder my eyes glowing white making the man step back slightly

"A freak that belongs in a cage!!" I screamed throwing what seemed to be a ball of light at Sephiroth

The white hair man's eyes widened as he quickly stepped of my ribs as he dodged the ball of light letting it hit a patch of flowers sparks of electricity flying in the air on impact

I breathed heavily as I stumbled to my feet slowly clenching my fist as I stared right into Sephiroth's cat like eyes my hands collecting more power from the lights around me sparks coming from my E/C every time I blinked

"You're losing control" Sephiroth smirked his eyes glowing as they were fixed on mine

"No..... no!!" I screamed the light building up in my hands against causing the bulbs of the garden lights to blow

"Oh yes...... you're a monster, it's your fault he's dead!" Sephiroth hissed pointing at Reno's corpse his eyes still fixed on mine

My fast breathing worsened as I quickly glanced over at Reno, more tears building up as my whole body shook the light still building in my eyes

Sephiroth took a few steps forward gently placing a hand on my cheek caressing it with his thumb, I swallowed a lump in my throat slowly looking up at the green eyed man

"If you do not stand by my side.... you will kill the whole of Midgar" Sephiroth hissed again gripping my jaw his sharp nails marking my skin

I gasped gripping his wrist my body still shaking as i slowly placed my hand against Sephiroth's stomach, I gripped onto his stomach the light from my hand slowly creeping onto his soft pale skin

"Huh?" Sephiroth looked down at my hand his eyes widening as he quickly stepped back trying to scrape the light off his stomach

I smirked holding my hand up placing my fingers together as I watched the monster panic, he looked up at me growling as he pulled out his sword again. He charged at me but I swiftly dodged him clicking my fingers, the light on his stomach rapidly spread causing him to fall to his knees as his breaths turned struggled.

I stepped back slightly slowly hugging myself as I watched the light crawl around Sephiroth's skin, he still panicked quickly standing to his feet his hair falling over his structured face.

He slowly looked at me moving his hair back into its natural state growling as he stood tall once again "Do not reject me Y/N, the fate of Midgar lies with you. Blood will be shed on your hands"

I growled and took a step back "The only blood being shed on my hands.... will be yours"

Sephiroth's smirk slowly returned the his face the light on his body slowly turning to a dark green which glowed just as bright as his toxic eyes, he held his hand up slowly clenching it as green sparkles of mako circled around it. He closed his eyes for a second and then opened them glaring daggers at me

I took another step back stumbling slightly whacking my ankle on a rock, Sephiroth caught me by my arm before I could stumble back any further leaning his face close to mine. He slowly placed his hand over mine and I felt something he dropped into it, the white haired man smirked more and he slowly took a step back from me

I hesitated but I slowly looked down at my hand seeing a golden necklace that had been placed on it, the necklace had a mini hour glass at the end of it the frame the same gold as the chain. Within the time capsule was a light green sand which sparkled much like mako

I looked up at Sephiroth who was still smirking and he gently picked the fragile jewellery up putting it around my neck, he pinched the bit of chain at the back of my neck moulding it together so there was no way of taking it off

I growled shoving Sephiroth away looking down at the hour glass with rested just above my cleavage "W....what is this?!" I growled again looking up at him

"The time you have..." he started a black wing pushing out from his back as he stepped closer again, he gripped me by my top his nose almost touching mine. He moved his other hand to the necklace flicking it with his nails causing the green sand to start falling very slowly as if in slow motion "....to find your mother before I do" he finished his sentence smirking as he suddenly disappeared a feather replacing where he once stood.

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