❶❷ Rufus

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I gasped as I sat up in bed my whole body was sweaty as I breathed fast and heavily, hot tears ran down my cheeks as I shook slightly looking around me not knowing if what I was seeing was real

"Woah hey.... are you ok?" I heard a soft voice say

I looked to the side of me and saw Reno sat on the floor in just some sweatpants, he stood up and gently placed a hand on my shoulder caressing it

"Bad nightmare huh" he said softly again to which I just nodded

He also nodded and gently sat by the side of me moving his hand to my back

"I..... w...what time is it?" I said through gaspy breaths

"It's uh..... about eight in the morning" he said keeping his hand on my back

I nodded and sighed softly putting me head in my hands as tears still trickled down my cheeks

"Do you want some water?" Reno asked to which I shook my head

Reno nodded and he kept his hand on my back as he just sat with me "What was the nightmare about?"

I shook my head and looked up form my hands "it was nothing"

"You know.... if you're gonna bullshit me at least try and make it believable" he said

I chuckled slightly and shook my head rubbing my eyes, I sat up properly and took a deep breath the tears stinging my eyes slightly

"I'm fine" I said softly as I stretched slightly

"Yeah.... I'll believe that when I grow a pair of wings" Reno shook his head and he stood up grabbing a black tank top and putting it on

I sighed and shook my head slightly

"You should try and get some more rest" Reno said as he stretched to which I shook my head In protest

"I'm fine" I said again

Reno sighed in frustration and he looked at me crossing his arms

"Seriously I'm fi-"

I was interrupted by a loud knock at the door, Reno sighed and he walked over to it opening it "What?"

Rude stood in the doorway and he raised an eyebrow under his shades and he looked over at me and back at Reno "I'm not gonna even ask what's happening but the boss wants to have a meeting now it urgent"

Reno rolled his eyes "yeah... yeah ok I'll be there now"

Rude nodded and he walked off, Reno sighed and he mumbled to himself as he got changed into his usual attire looking over at me once he was changed "Stay here..... I don't want pretty boy Rufus Shinra to know your here..... because let me tell you shit would hit the fan"

I nodded my tears drying against my cheeks

Reno also nodded and he looked at me for a bit before he walked out the room

I sighed and flopped back into the bed rubbing my eyes I looked over at the widow to see it was a cloudy day, I yawned and got out of bed grabbing the extra breakfast bar I didn't eat last night opening it and having that for my breakfast sitting back on the bed as I ate

Once I was finished I just sat there in the silence trying to put together the nightmare I had and want it could mean, when I had nightmares before I would talk to Aerith about them but since I can't do that I have no clue what to do

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard shouting coming from a few doors down it sounded like Reno, I hesitated but I stood up and walked to the door placing my hand on the door handle I took a deep breath soon hearing footsteps close to the door which made me back away

The door handle rattled slightly and soon the door opened to reveal Tseng in the doorway

"Good morning Y/N, Mister Vice President Shinra would like to meet you" he said softly his hands behind his back

I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow "the presidents' son..... wants to see me?"

Tseng nodded "you and Reno were caught on camera and therefore he would like to know who this intruder is"

I snarled and shook my head "No... I ain't meeting no one"

"If you do not follow me then we will have to use force" Tseng said a slight frown on his face

I gasped slightly and sighed "Fine"

Tseng nodded and he moved out the way of the door for me to which I walked out, he shut the door behind himself and I followed him down the hall my head hung low as I pulled at my finger anxiously

"You didn't even try to stop this did you" I snarled slightly

Tseng sighed his hands behind his back as he continued to walk "Lying would've just made this worse, he knows your here so there's no point in trying to say you're not"

"Was it Reno I heard shouting not that long ago?" I asked a hand on my hip

Tseng nodded "yes..... he was trying to lie his way out of this"

"Thanks for the help" I said sarcastically crossing my arms

"If I was you....I'd cut the attitude..... Vice President won't stand for it"

"Then I suggest he takes a seat" I smirked smugly and Tseng just shook his head slightly

He eventually stopped at a door which had two guards stood either side of it, he opened it letting me walk in first i made my way into the room and there I saw him Mr Rufus rich boy Shinra sat in usually Tseng's chair I sighed and kept my arms crossed as I walked to the desk standing infront of it

"Hmm... so this is the intruder?" Rufus said as he looked me up and down

"Yes sir" Tseng nodded standing just behind Rufus

Rufus nodded slightly as he sat back in the chair his slight glare not leaving me once "What's your name?"

I didn't say anything I just stood there as I returned the glare my arms still crossed

Rufus shook his head and he leant forward "I said..... what is your name?"

I still didn't say anything

"What's wrong with her? Lost her voice or something?" Rufus snarled

"I don't believe so sir" Tseng said in his usual deep but soft tone

I rolled my eyes and chuckled slightly throwing my hands in the air slightly "Oh I do apologise oh handsome Vice President but I do believe I've found my voice now....... yes I believe I found it up your ass!"

Rufus growled and he slammed his hands on the desk standing up "Look here little lady but I'm not gonna stand here and listen to your big mouth make a mockery out of me! Someone killed my new dog that was suppose to work long side my current one last night and if you don't respect me then I'll just let you take the blame!"

I gasped slightly as he said that and I looked down at my daggers and then at the pocket where my mask was

"Oh that got you huh?" Rufus snarled and he looked down at his phone where he had the recording of the cctv footage and he raised an eyebrow

"Tseng.... take a look at the cctv footage and then look at our intruder here" Rufus said softer and he stepped back slightly

Tseng looked up at Rufus and he hesitated but he nodded looking at the footage and then at me "What is the problem sir?"

"Look at the person on the cctv again and then look at her and cover the bit of her mouth as if she was wearing a mask" Rufus smirked and he put a hand on his hip

Tseng looked over at Reno and then at me and did what Rufus said and his eyes widened slightly

Rufus chuckled and he walked to me placing a hand under my chin his mutt following which growled at me "I think... we've found ourselves our culprit"

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