❼ Voices

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My eyes widened but I was also confused "P......powers?"

"Ah.... he never showed you..... did he"

I shook my head and sat up more "W.....what do you mean.... powers?"

Tseng turned his chair to face me "Well you see-"

"I've got the water, Yo!" Reno interrupted as he walked in smiling holding a cup of water up

Tseng just nodded slightly and he turned his chair back to his desk

I sighed slightly and shook my head quickly smiling and taking the water from Reno as he handed it to me "Thanks, Reno"

"It's alright" Reno nodded and he flopped down onto the arm of the sofa smiling

"How has everything been today?" Tseng asked not looking up from his paperwork

"Eh... the usual I guess... that asshole Cloud was with Aerith" Reno said with slight jealously as he crossed his arms

Tseng just nodded and he continued with his paper work

I sighed softly as what Tseng had revealed about my father played over in my head, I looked at my hands studying the lines on them slightly

"Once Rude gives Y/N some new trousers maybe you should show her to your room Reno" Tseng spoke up

"My room!? Why my room?" Reno sat up slightly one of his eyebrows raised

"Because that is where Y/N will be staying until she goes home" Tseng sighed

"What about your room?" Reno also sighed

"You brought her here, she's your responsibility" Tseng crossed his arms "I have Aerith to look out for"

Yeah, yeah whatever... fine" Reno rolled his eyes slightly

Tseng nodded and he looked over at me his brown eyes sparkling slightly "good luck Y/N.... you'll need it"

Reno sighed and he rolled his eyes again "bastard"

Tseng smirked slightly looking at Reno "Stop being a child"

Reno snarled slightly and we all just sat there in silence until Rude finally came back with some plain black cargo trousers ones similar to my ones passing them to me with a smile

"Thanks, Rude" I smiled taking the trousers from him

Rude nodded and he smiled "it's ok... they may be too big but it's really the only pair I could find"

"No, no it's ok.... thank you Rude" I smiled

Rude nodded and he smiled sitting down on one of the others chairs in the room. I watched Rude sit down and then I looked down at myself blushing slightly, I slowly started to put on the trousers lifting Reno's jacket slightly to get them on properly

"Thanks for the jacket" I smiled and stood up chucking Reno his jacket back as I put my belt on to keep the trousers up

Reno made a noise of annoyance when the jacket hit his face but he then shook his head and smiled "it's my pleasure"

I nodded and looked over at Tseng who was just getting on with his paper work, I sighed and looked at Reno

"You ready to go?" He asked standing up to which I nodded grabbing my bloody cargo trousers "alright then just keep your head down and if anyone stops us.... I'll do the talking" I nodded again

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