❹❸ Mother

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Tears ran down my cold cheeks as Sephiroth flew over Midgar with me still over his back, it had started to rain making my clothes stick to my body making me shiver. Sephiroth tightened his grip on my legs as I slipped slightly making me gasp the air getting caught in my throat as my heart raced

"Shit" I panted shivering at the thought of almost falling to my death

"Hush" Sephiroth snarled unfazed by what had almost occurred

I snarled slightly gripping onto Sephiroth's coat more my patience with him starting to run thin as I sniffled, Sephiroth continued to fly starting to fly towards the Shinra building that could just be seen in the distance. I gasped as I noticed his sudden target at the Shinra building kicking my legs as I punched him back

"No!!" I screamed

Sephiroth snarled and he clicked his fingers magic forcing my fists to his back

"What do you have disagreements against Y/N?" he said deeply clearly annoyed by my actions

"The Shinra building.... leave it alone.... please!" I beg

"Oh? And why would I do that? They have my mother trapped In there as a hostage.... I must save her... and you will help" he growled starting to fly faster as I kicked my legs harder

"I will never help you with anything you son of a bitch!" I cried kicking my legs even harder as he picked up his pace

Sephiroth huffed Ignoring my screams as he eventually arrived at the Shinra building, he looked up a big dark swirled Cloud dominating the sky above the building smiling slightly to himself. He tightened his grip on me as he grabbed his blade from it's holder holding it up to the sky before throwing it into one of the many windows on the Shinra building, the blade wedged into the one way glass shattering it the shards falling to the ground beneath. My eyes widened and I started to fight again punching Sephiroth's back as he flew in through the broken window slowly landing on the clean marble floor of the presidents office, I screamed as I continued to fight in Sephiroth's grip which caused the president to jump looking over at both of us from his chair his eyes widening as they landed on Sephiroth.

"You" President Shinra snarled quickly reaching under his desk and he pulled out a golden pistol aiming it at me and Sephiroth

"Kneel!" Sephiroth growled green sparkles surrounding the president that seemed to force him down to kneel before Sephiroth

I gasped screaming again as I viciously kicked my legs punching Sephiroth's back harder desperately wanting to be free from his grasp as he started to make his way over to the president, he knelt down infront of the president sitting me down infront of him gripping my shoulders tight as he forced me down

"Now.... you will prove yourself to me" Sephiroth said deeply into my ear slowly taking his blade out of its holder

"I don't want to prove anything to you! I hate you!!" I screamed the lightbulbs in the room popping as I did

"You will!" Sephiroth growled pushing me closer to the president as he shoved the handle of his blade into my hand

He grabbed my hands forcing me to hold the blade to the presidents chest the tip of the blade just missing his skin, I growled trying to pull my hands away but Sephiroth's grip was much stronger than mine as he slowly pulled the blade back

"Stop!! Why can't you do this yourself?!!" I screamed again still trying to get my hands free form Sephiroth's grasp which only made him tighten his

Sephiroth just snarled in response as he pulled the blade back even more finally forcing my hands forward stabbing the president through the chest, my eyes widened in horror as did the presidents his skin going ghostly pale before he fell limp onto the blade his blood seeping down it

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