❸ The Merc

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I rolled onto my back as I started to wake up the sunlight shining in through the window through the smoggy air, I stretched and sat up pulling my top down that had rode up my body slightly as I slept. I stood up and opened the old window smiling as a cool gust of wind blew into my room

"Let's hit the town" I nodded to myself and quickly got changed into a protected but comfortable outfit

I walked downstairs grabbing my knives and mask shoving the mask in my pocket "more likely to be recognised with the mask on at the moment"

I sighed slightly and quickly grabbed something to eat before walking out the house and towards the town, I tried to blend in as a normal citizen as best as possible without looking suspicious. I would look away as people would make eye contact with me scared they would recognise me, the sharp tooth bandit they call me I've made a name for myself with all the stealing I've done and everyone knows me for my signature mask as it has a wide grin design on it with sharp teeth. While I've been going out in the day I've started to hear more and more about this 'merc' that seems to be helping out anyone that will give him a generous sum of cash for a reward so I've decided to go find this 'merc' for myself, I have a plan to get into the shinra building to find my parents but I'll need more gear and this guy could be the jackpot.

I continued to walk deeper into town and soon I came to the Seventh Heaven, apparently this is where the 'merc' spends most of his time when he isn't out. Oh this is gonna be so good haha!

I walk to the doors of the building and I open them walking in, there's a few people sat at some tables and they all turned their heads to me I glare at them slightly and then a woman walks up to me smiling softly

"Uh hey... we aren't open at the moment sorry" she said still smiling

I didn't say anything and looked over to the bar where I saw him, the 'merc'. He  had blonde spiky hair and carried a massive sword on his back, I smirked slightly and walked over to him leaning against the bar "Hey... your the merc everyone has been talking about right?"

He sighed and looked at me "Yeah"

I nodded and smiled "Well you see I need your help"

He raised an eyebrow and looked me up at down slightly before replying "What about?"

"Well..... so yesterday there was this guy that came up to me asking really weird questions, he kept following me and eventually stole every last bit of money I had on me.... I know where he is but I can't go and get my money back on my own....." I sighed putting on a sad face to try and make my sob story more convincing

He rolled his eyes slightly and sighed "I'll do it for a price"

"B....but he took every last Gil I had" I forced a tear to run down my cheek which just made him sigh again

"Fine..... but you'll have to pay me once you get the money" he crossed his arms

I nodded and my (E/C) eyes sparkled "oh thank you so much!"

"Don't mention it.... wait outside I'll be there now"

I nodded and ran outside, my plan is in full swing this bastard has no idea! I wiped the forced tear from my cheek and waited putting my hands behind me back, soon the 'merc' came out and he glared at me slightly crossing his arms "So.... what's your name?" He asked

"My name is Y/N, and yours?" I asked stepping closer to him

He stepped back slightly and looked away from me "Cloud"

I nodded and held my hand out smiling "Well it's nice to meet you Cloud"

He looked at my hand from the corner of his eyes but didn't move his crossed arms

"Hmm not much of a people person, right" I nodded and put my hands back behind my back

He nodded slightly and crossed his arms "Do you remember what this man looked like?"

I nodded "He had uh.... brown hair and uh.... blue eyes" I smiled hoping my pauses weren't suspicious

He nodded "alright, let's go"

I nodded and followed him along the streets of Midgard trying to find someone that fit my made up description, we would find someone but I could tell they weren't wealthy so I would shake my head and we would keep walking. As I followed behind him I asked him some questions just trying to find out more about him, mostly he would just ignore my question which was really annoying. We continued to walk for ages, I was starting to get frustrated now so I just pointed at some random guy

"Him! That's him he stole my money!" I pointed

"Huh?" Cloud turned around and he looked at the man pulling his sword off from his back

The man looked between me and Cloud and he held his hands up to his chest "What?! I haven't stolen anything!"

Cloud looked at me and I nodded

"Return the Gil you stole from this lady" Cloud growled and he pointed his sword at the man

"I swear I haven't stolen anything from her! I've never seen her in my life!" The man cried out shaking slightly

Cloud raised an eyebrow and looked at me "How much did he take?"

"I..... uh.... a thousand Gil! He took a thousand Gil from me!" I frowned

Cloud nodded and he looked back at the man "Give her the thousand Gil back"

"I haven't stolen a thousand Gil from her I swear on my life!" The man trembled slightly

"Give it back! Or you'll answer to his sword!" I growled

The man looked at me and then Cloud as he still trembled, he pulled out a small bag and he counted a thousand Gil and handed it to me his hands shaking, I smirked and shoved the Gil in my pocket as I started to laugh

"Huh?" Cloud looked at me and he raised an eyebrow "What's so funny?"

"Oh you are too easy! This man never stole money from me!" I laughed more

Cloud growled slightly and he walked towards me with his sword out in front of him, I smirked and chuckled pulling out my poisonous daggers which made him step back slightly

"G....give the money back!" Cloud growled

"Hmm you're gonna have to catch me first blondie" I smirked

Cloud growled and I laughed as I started to leg it down the street, I kept my mask in my pocket and climbed up to the rooftops, Cloud followed close behind I sped up running faster stumbling as I made a big jump

"Who are you?!" Cloud shouted from behind

I didn't say anything and continued to run, I contemplated trying to take him on but his weapon was way more powerful than mine I wouldn't stand a chance. I took a quick turn to try and lose him but it didn't work I cursed under my breath as it started to get heavier and my running got slower, I jumped down from a roof and ran down a very narrow gap between two buildings I didn't have a clue where to go my plan was to just try and lose him

I looked back behind me and didn't see him so I stopped to try and catch my breath, I could hear footsteps behind me and I turned again and saw him so I started to run again

It felt like I was running for forever and eventually a place I could hide in came to mind, I took a quick look around me to try and figure out where I was and then I took a quick turn and ran towards the location

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