Chapter One

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'I can't look stupid it's my first day' you thought to yourself fixing your (H/L) (H/C) hair, you had put it in your favourite style to give yourself some much-needed confidence. It was your first day at Hogwarts as a sixth year, you had transferred from Ilvermorny in America due to your parents moving for work reasons. Making sure you looked decent you took in a deep breath as you entered the great hall, Dumbledore had instructed you on your acceptance letter to go there to be sorted into your house. Putting as much pride into every step you could, you made on the way to the front, your eyes scanned the crowd of people before landing on a black haired teacher who was staring at you with what seemed to be intrigue. Finally reaching the front of the hall you smiled at the headmaster, "Hello Miss (L/N), I hope the train ride treated you well" he greeted with a kind smile, giving him a small bow you nodded "Yes sir, thank you." you responded calmly.

Dumbledore walked towards a podium that seemed to have a golden owl on the front, its metallic wings spread wide as the headmaster stood behind the stand. "Hello everyone, it may have come to your attention that there is a new student before you. Her name is (Y/N) (L/N), she attended Ilvermorny before transferring her for her sixth year and the rest of her magic learning career. I hope that no matter what house she is sorted into that will treat her with great respect..." he announced, "Professor McGonagall, please sort this student into her house so we may begin our feast." His kind smile made you feel at home in the huge castle of a school as you made your way step by step to the old wooden stool, as you took a seat you felt it creak quietly under your weight.

Staring out at the hall of students your eyes grazed across the different tables, staring at each of their house crests as you felt a hat be lightly placed on your head. Glancing up you saw the brim of what looked to be an old brown witches hat, your hands tightened into fists as you heard it speak "Hmmm a new one ey? interesting" its voice was almost like a low hum, deciding your fate for the rest of your academic life. Inhaling gently you closed your eyes awaiting the decision that could change multiple opinions on you, hearing the hat hum in intrigue at your thoughts as it searched for what house he should put in you in, you waited in anticipation. Straightening out your shoulders you made eye contact with a boy with platinum blonde hair, he had a smirk on his face as you made eye contact. You felt your body fill with discomfort as he stared deeper into your eyes, averting your gaze to the bewitched ceiling to calm your nerves.

"Slytherin!" the hat announced in a yell, standing back onto your feet you quickly made your way over to the clapping table finding yourself an empty seat. Dumbledore clapped lightly before making a speech to the students, when he had finished, he raised his hands and food appeared on the tables, filling them from start to finish. A smile found its way on your cheeks as you half filled your plate while making small talk with the people in your house you had ended up sitting next to.

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