Chapter Five

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Defence Against The Dark Arts flew by with the help of Lupins fun teaching, the lesson was on boggarts which was slightly terrifying as it meant everyone in the class learnt of your deepest fear. Your old headmaster had come out of the closet screaming at you that you had failed all your tests, ruining your chances of ever being anything but a useless waste of space. Though the counter-spell was amazing, Fontaine turned into a bunny and hopped away as fast as possible into the closet. You wouldn't have known what to do in that situation if you didn't have the D.A.D.A teachers encouragement, you were extremely grateful for his methods. "Okay and with that class is over please remember to do some further research into boggarts in your free time, they might turn up in the exam" the professor spoke loudly as the students quickly filed their way out of the room.

After you had packed away your things you walked back to the common room with Hailey, the two of you chatting happily with one another until you accidentally bumped into someone. Stumbling back in shock you blinked rapidly a few times before looking up at the person, seeing a boy with bright red hair looking at you slightly confused before flashing you a grin. "Ello there! guessing you didn't mean to bump into me" he chuckled lightly, looking at his tie you noted that he was a Gryffindor. An awkward laugh left you as you tried to look anywhere but at him, your eyes ending up on a tree in the courtyard, "Haha yeah uh I'm sorry, I didn't my apologies" you stammered holding onto Hailey's sleeve for comfort. He must have known her as he moved his attention to her, who explained that you were her friend to which he seemed slightly surprised.

Fred, or so you believed he was called, had ended up joining the two of you on a stroll back to the common room. On the walk you didn't speak to him much, only making the occasional remark or joke while Hailey held a long conversation with him. Apparently, he had a twin brother named George which she had taken a small interest in, which you had only figured out from his teasing. Once the three of you made it to the common room, Hailey and Fred had ended up deciding on going on a long walk. 'Okay, I guess' you thought as you entered the Slytherin common room, walking straight up to your dorm room to simply lay on your bed and stare at the ceiling.

'Why do I even bother studying' your thoughts suddenly bombarded you as you stared at the silver tassels on your bed frame, playing with your hair as you lost yourself in your mind. Fluttering your eyes closed you felt yourself drift to sleep, everything going blank as you lost yourself in a peaceful dream.

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