Chapter Thirteen

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"(Y/N) that was hilarious" George laughed as you dusted off your vest, laughing along you nodded as the two of you walked into the great hall together. "Yeah I'm surprised I didn't get caught, I was lucky to have you around" you sighed, looking over you saw him smiling softly before signalling that he was going to go to the Gryffindor table. Following suit you went to your own house table, sitting down in front of an unhappy Hailey. As you sat down she abruptly stood up, storming out of the hall causing you to jump slightly.

Your housemates gossiped, whispering rumour after rumour of what they heard had happened, playing a game of Chinese whispers for the rest of dinner. While you poked at your food, wondering what you had actually done wrong. You had caught Snape staring at you at one point, but he quickly looked away to start a conversation with one of the other professors once he realised you had caught him. That's when the wolves descent, Malfoy had taken Hailey's seat with a smug look on his face. Immediately moving away from the table you left early, you had enough on your mind and having to listen to his disgusting flirting wasn't how you wanted to spend the rest of your meal.

Walking through the halls you almost made it to the Slytherin common room when you felt someone grab your wrist, letting out a heavy sigh you turned to face the person. "Malfoy I-" you stopped yourself, relaxing your shoulders as you met eyes with a specific brunette, Hailey was standing in front of you. Her face was tear-stained, her eyes puffy and red. Quickly you pulled her into a hug playing with the back of her hair as you heard her sob softly into your shoulder, whimpering out words you couldn't understand. After a short while, you moved away from the hug, still holding her upper arms as you searched her eyes for answers.

Shaking your head you grabbed her hand, you knew she probably wouldn't want to talk as you slowly walked with her the rest of the way common room. It was raining outside, it had been spitting since lunchtime but with every hour it got heavier. "Hey... (Y/N)?" she whispered, her voice barely audible as you turned to look at her, a small hum coming from you in response. "Can we go outside?... I want to be in the rain" her voice was a little louder, a sad smile on her face that you returned as you changed direction to the courtyard. A comfortable silence fell between you as you walked, occasionally you would hear her sniff or move her arm up to wipe her tears as she shuffled her feet.

As the two of you stood in the courtyard you watched her sway from side to side as she balanced on a small ledge, a small smile on her face as her hair started to straighten out from the weight of the water. It was like a scene from a movie. Calm silence stayed between the two of you, neither of you muttering a word as you walked around the space. Though you tried not to be, you were still curious as to what had her this upset. She had surely tried to tell you when she was crying, however, you hadn't been able to grasp an idea as to what she was saying while she sobbed. Glancing at the clouds you saw the weather worsening, 'we should go in' slowly you made your way over to Hailey, gently tugging her sleeve and pointing up at the storm clouds coming. "I think I'm gonna stay out here for a while" at least she sounded better than earlier "alright don't come back too late" you smiled kindly at her before turning on your heel to finally go to the common room.

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