Chapter Seven

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'I can't believe I have detention' you mentally groaned as you walked to the potions classroom to receive your punishment. Dragging your feet you finally arrived at the door you usually adored to stand before, but now you despised the thought of it. Funny how negative thoughts affect the way you see places you love. Lifting up a heavy arm you begrudgingly knocked awaiting that well known 'come in' you always listened so carefully for, when you had heard the potions master respond you opened the door. Slouching as you made your way to your desk you placed down your things before looking up at Snape with guilty eyes, only to be met with his however instead of holding the mysterious spark that they usually did, they held a steal like glare. Though you had spoken no words to the other you could tell he was disappointed in you, disappointed in a student he thought so highly of.

"You'll be scrubbing the cauldrons today, (L/N)" his stern voice the same as yesterday as his eyes stayed on yours, "Yes sir" you replied walking over to a shelf of filthy cauldrons. Grimacing you pulled one down, almost losing balance you caught yourself before scampering over to your desk carefully placing the heavy cold device on the surface. Glancing over at the professor you saw him watching your every move intensely, he looked as if he was mentally taking a note of every failure you had made in that moment. The pressure was suffocating you as you got a bucket of soapy water and sponge, starting to clean the disgusting heap of metal. Rolling up the sleeves of your school shirt you scrubbed as hard as possible to remove the grime, almost breaking under the pressure that was being placed on you to be perfect in that very moment.

Every cauldron you cleaned seemed to place more and more pressure onto your heavy heart. 'Why am I here... I shouldn't be here... I need to leave' you came to a sudden stop as you squeezed the sponge in your hand tightly, "Sir. I need to leave." you stated starting down into the dark, disgusting abyss of the cauldron. "Your detention isn't over till you clean all the cauldrons (L/N). Don't try to talk your way out of it." his voice was as drawn out as always, though instead of bringing you the calmness it usually did it made you feel worse. Your throat began to hurt as your eyes started stinging, soon you felt hot tears running down your cheeks. 'Not now. Not here. No no no no no' you panicked, grabbing your cloak you ran out of the class. Snape called after you but you didn't stop running, you couldn't stop, you needed to be away from everyone as soon as possible.

You ran as fast as you could, past other pupils, Filch, Dumbledore, nobody could seem to calm you down. "Ow!" you squeaked out as you felt yourself fall to the ground due to impact, rubbing your head tears continued to spill, after all this just proved to you how useless Snape knew you were. "(Y/N)?" the familiar voice of the D.A.D.A teacher spoke as he crouched down to meet your eyes, noticing your worry the teacher held a hand out to you "Come with me" he spoke calmly looking into your scared (E/C) eyes. Looking down in an attempt to stop eye contact you took a hold of his hand, feeling yourself get pulled up you followed him to his office.

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