Chapter Seventeen

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Two days had passed, you stayed by Hailey's side the entire time waiting for her to wake up. You hadn't gone to classes and during breaks the twins would come to visit, occasionally bringing you food from mealtimes if they could. Though you wouldn't touch it, you had lost your appetite from worrying about when she would wake up. At one point Draco had come by to give you your homework for classes along with his notes, it was sweet even if you couldn't read anything he had written.

Staring out of the window of the infirmary you gazed at the sky as beautiful colours slowly appeared before you, lilac, baby blue and a peachy pink filled the once dull space lighting your heart with a flutter of hope. 'She's gonna be okay' you affirmed in your mind, tilting your head down you noticed her stirring slightly. Jumping in excitement you leaned over slightly, paying close attention to her with a worried smile plastered on your face. "Hailey?" you asked softly, your eyes lit up as you heard a dry groan come from the Slytherin girl. Moving your hand you held hers gently, shaking it lightly as to try to wake her up. As if the gods had blessed you, you saw her green eyes slowly open to look into your (e/c) ones. Giving you a small smile she looked around, seemingly confused at the scenery before realising where she was. "How did I get here?.. " her voice was hoarse, quickly you moved to pass her the glass of water on the nightstand next to her bed. "I found you in the owlery, I had been looking for you" you sighed in relief as you watched her take a sip of the water, giving you a small nod.

After about ten minutes of explaining to her what had happened, you couldn't help but feel guilty, though you knew it wouldn't be good to place that responsibility on her right now. So instead you sat, smiling and laughing at everything she said. Keeping her company before Madame Pomfrey finally managed to fuss you out of the ward and to the great hall for dinner. Upon arriving you noticed Severus straighten in his seat slightly, he must have known about what happened, 'he must be worried' you pondered while walking to the Slytherin table. Draco immediately moved to sit in front of you, though the two of you weren't close at all the night in the common room had released some of the tension between the two of you. He knew you weren't interested in anything beyond friends if even that. However, his silent company made you feel comfortable, almost like a house cat or sibling you didn't speak to often.

After finally finishing your first actual meal in the first two days, you made your way to the potions classroom. It was a Friday, which meant you had 'tutoring' with Snape. Which currently really just meant you got to talk about your future, learn how to brew a few potions higher than the level you were learning and see your favourite man in the world up-close. Knocking lightly you entered the room to see Severus sitting at his desk, marking something as he always did.

"Hello Sev" you smiled, his head immediately shot up at the sound of your voice. Standing up he rushed over to you before ushering you into his chambers in a hurry. The second the door closed behind the two of you he quickly embraced you, releasing a heavy breath as he played with the back of your (h/c) hair. "I've been so worried (y/n)" his voice was as low as it always had been though it sounded slightly more pained, gently pulling away you looked up to see him holding a worried gaze. Giving him a soft smile you placed a small kiss on his cheek, "I'm fine hun, you didn't have to worry" moving your hand up to his face, you carefully cupped his cold cheek. He let out a sigh as he broke eye contact to glance over at the fire, "do you want anything to drink?" he asked moving his gaze to the kettle in the corner, you gave him a small nod as you headed to sit on the couch.

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