Chapter Twenty

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Playing it off you laughed, giving him a closed eye smile while doing so. Remus seemed to be slightly caught off guard when he noticed you lightly shaking your head, after a couple of seconds you finally stopped fake laughing. "No, I'm not Remus. He is only my tutor" you lied, though you were surprised to see him as relaxed as he was from the fake news you had passed on to him. "Good. I wanted to ask you first before bringing it up with Severus personally." Lupin leaned in a little closer "as we both probably know he doesn't really like me" he said this quieter like if he spoke any louder like talking bad about another teacher was a crime punishable by death. You smiled slightly before gently pushing his shoulder in a joking manner, "Yeah, cause I totally do tutoring to hear gossip from Snape" laughing at the statement he nodded, "It was quite a far fetched idea" though hearing this comforted you that he wouldn't snoop into your affairs with Severus, it didn't at all confirm how he had come to think of the idea in the first place.

Trying to put your mind at ease you spent some more time with him, wondering if he would explain his thought process. Sadly such things didn't happen and you had to leave after a few hours to go back to the Slytherin common room. Walking down the halls you were stuck in your mind, 'how did he know?... what did he see?... was he told?...' thoughts continued to bombard you the entire way. Sitting down on a couch in the common room, you clutched a silver and green embroidered pillow close to your chest. You stayed there for hours, moving positions every so often until at one point you felt yourself doze off into a calm sleep.

During the night you felt yourself be shaken awake from a slightly concerned looking Malfoy, batting your eyes you stared up at him in confusion. Seeing him let out a sigh he sat down in front of the couch, looking away quickly at anything he could "I wanted to talk..." he muttered under his breath as his steel eyes met yours. Nodding you sat up on the couch, stretching as you did so before moving yourself down to sit with him on the floor. "Go on" you sighed, as much as you didn't trust him he seemed off. Like the night when you were sitting in the common room in silence.

Malfoy began to speak, you tried not to retain most of the information as it seemed private, but all that would keep sticking with you was the fact he would talk bad about his family in such a way. His dad specifically, was a recurring topic he spoke about. It was strange to see him talking this openly whatsoever. Almost as if nothing had happened he moved the topic onto Harry Potter, everything he seemed to hate about him was almost a coping mechanism. Looking around you saw the clock on the mantel, checking the time your eye widened at the realisation that he must have been talking for about an hour at most and that it was five in the morning. Turning your gaze back to the blonde you smiled weakly as you watched him vent at the ground as if the earth was the thing that was causing him all this harm.

Tutoring | Severus Snape x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now