Chapter Thirty Four

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You let out a heavy lovesick breath as you lay in your dorm room bed, rolling over you buried your head in your pillow letting out a squeal. You couldn't get any sleep with Severus running around in your mind the way he did, every time you closed your eyes you would see him. If you let them stay closed for longer, some scenario would play in your head about him. Even if it was the smallest thing, like him holding your cheek while staring at you, a smile adorning his cheeks. It set your heart ablaze like a wildfire, intense and untamed.

"(N/N)" you heard whispered from a different part of the room, you jumped slightly, you were used to being the only one awake. Looking over you met the green curious eyes of Hailey, she was holding her pillow, the same way as you as her face held a look of confusion. Not soon after noticing what she was doing, you joined her in looking confused, arching an eyebrow at the brown-haired girl. 'This is the most girl talk, we're gonna have for a while' you thought, watching as she pointed towards the door to leave the dorm room. Nodding, you followed her suit of getting out of bed, pulling on a sweater, and creeping down the stairs to the Slytherin common room.

After checking to see if anyone else was in the common room, you both huddled on either side of the couch you had originally met on, staring at the other in pure silence. "So..." Hailey began, her eyes drifting off from your (E/C) ones to stare off into the fire. "I have a secret, you have to promise not to tell anyone" her expression seemed so nervous, it looked like she was about to take some kind of final exam. You nodded slowly, showing her that she could trust you. Due to your short lapse of believing that everyone was better off without you, you hadn't had time to catch up with Hailey about anything, let alone secrets.

"Me and professor Lupin... have been growing close lately" she started, you perked up at this, 'is she in the same position I am' you continued to listen to her story about Lupin. She was in the exact same position as you, after Fred she had ended up gaining a crush on the D.A.D.A teacher during an after-class session she had with him. Sure, she wasn't having tutoring with Remus, but she was seeing him after classes were over every day. 'I wondered why I hadn't seen her with Fred and George lately' you smiled as you listened to her gush about the man she'd fallen for, happy for her in every sense you could be. Her smile as she talked about him reminded you of yourself with Severus, so intensely in love, you couldn't help yourself.

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