Chapter Twenty One

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"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" you cracked your eyes open, a quiet groan leaving your body as you looked for the owner of the voice. You couldn't say you were surprised that you had drifted off during Draco's rambling, however, you did feel quite bad. Rubbing your eyes you swung your legs off the couch you had found yourself on, lifting your body up to meet the eyes of Hailey who looked immensely confused. 'I don't know how I got up here... Maybe Draco... Yeah, that makes sense' you thought, letting out a huff you realised you hadn't been listening to your friend for the past five minutes. "Jesus (Y/N) we're late for breakfast" she groaned as she grabbed your hand, Hailey immediately began to pull you out of the common room without a care in the world of how you looked.

Once the two of you arrived you took your seats, hearing your stomach grumble you rolled your eyes before grabbing a few slices of toast. You spoke with Hailey groggily until the two of you had to leave for class, though you didn't at all feel the best. A couch really isn't the best place you could've slept, heaven forbid if Malfoy left you on the floor for falling asleep during his vent.

Trudging through the halls you felt more scattered than usual until suddenly you noticed your vision blurring. "Oh-" was all that left your lips as everything went dark around you. The last thing you felt was yourself hitting the cold stone floor below you, it was so strange. You felt seemingly comfortable in the darkness that had surrounded you, though you didn't really know if this was death. If something had struck you dead on the spot and this was it, this was all you had.

I strutted through the halls at a quick pace towards the hospital wing, I needed to know that she was okay, she was all I had now. She was all I needed now and she was all I cared for. As I stepped through the archway of a door I slowed down slightly, though I needed to check on her I knew we also had to still be a secret. Making eye contact with Madame Pomfrey I made my way over to her, "Ah! Severus, this way please" without having to say a word I followed her to where (Y/N) was laying.

I froze in my place, she was faintly breathing as if she was simply sleeping. Her chest moved with every silent breath, her (s/c) seemed slightly paler due to the season. 'I need her to be okay' my thoughts swarmed for a moment before I regained my composure, my eyes locking on the nurse before me. "Do you need me to brew anything for this Pomfrey?" I asked calmly, intensely listening to what she would next say, "No! No! She's just in a well she's fainted, she doesn't seem to have been sleeping well or eating enough. However as miss (L/N)'s head of house, I do need you to keep a closer eye on her from now on." she continued to ramble, though all I could do was be relieved and confused. 'At least she's fine, but why hasn't she been taking care of herself' once Pomfrey finished talking I took my cue and left the hospital wing, I'll make sure that (Y/N) is fine if it's the last thing I do.

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