Chapter Twelve

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A couple of hours had passed before you had decided to go back to your common room, when saying goodbye to Severus you hugged him briefly before scampering out of his chamber. With a pep in your step, you entered the well lit, homey area of the common room only to suddenly be jump hugged by a specific short brunette girl. "(Y/N)!" she cried out as if she hadn't seen you in years "I thought you were dead!" she hid her face in your neck as you held her close, a laugh emerging from you as you rubbed her back. "I'm sorry, I was in the hospital wing" pulling away from the hug you messed her hair up slightly, her pouty face making you giggle again before grabbing her hand as you swiftly pulled her up to your dorm room.

Both of you spoke for around half an hour before another girl came into the dorm with a sour look on her face, "Those Weasley boys want you, Hailey" glancing over at you she gave you a small smile. Millicent, you had given her notes that helped her in a class she was struggling in. "Hi (L/N)" she greeted before she left back down the stairs to do whatever she was doing before, Hailey looked at you with a fake betrayed look on her face. "How come everybody loves you" she whined out, she walked over to the mirror next to your bed making sure she looked okay before grabbing your hand like you had to her earlier. "You're coming to hang out with the big boys" the joke made you laugh slightly, getting forced to come along with her on her weird pranking adventures with the twins.

"'Ello Hailey," the boys said in sync at the sight of the brunette you saw Fred give you a small nod when he noticed you, to which you nodded back in greeting as you saw George looking at you curiously. Though you had heard about him none stop from Hailey if the two of you were hanging out, you had still never met until now. 'Maybe she talks about me to them' you thought as you walked beside the three, minding your own business before being pulled out of them by George suddenly speaking to you. "So... how do you know Hailey and Fred?" your smile dropped as you realised that your only close friend didn't speak to her crush about you, "Oh uh... well... I met Hailey in my common room, while with Fred I- uh-" you awkwardly laughed as you looked down at the floor "I bumped into him in the hallway" you mumbled hoping that he wouldn't hear or laugh at you.

Surprisingly you felt a small pat on your back, glancing up at the tall ginger twin he gave you a smile. "Don't worry, I think he's met a few people that way" his words of reassurance made you feel far more comfortable. 'This is definitely why she likes him' you mentally noted, looking over you saw her speaking with Fred enthusiastically 'At least she's happy'. "So then Fred and I-" the words made you stop in your tracks, she was talking to Fred about himself. Your heart stopped as you saw George look at the two with a pained look, chuckling slightly "That happens sometimes" he glances back at you stopping as well so that you could catch up. "She thinks I don't know, but she has a crush on Fred... she thinks he's me" he smiled awkwardly, the two of you walked side by side in calming silence. "I'm sorry" you meant it, it must have sucked to see your twin brother be called by your name and just accept it. Bumping against you lightly he chuckled, "wanna go steal something from Filch's office?" you caught a glimmer of mischief in his eye as you smiled back at him, giving a swift nod the two of you quickly disbanded from the others.

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